Haut Katanga: the Archdiocese of Lubumbashi puts an end to its collaboration with the Town Hall of Likasi

The Archdiocese of Lubumbashi has, this Saturday, March 04 in a correspondence sent to acturdc.com, announced that it has made the decision to break its collaboration with the Town Hall of the city of Likasi.

According to the Archbishop of Lubumbashi, Mgr Fulgence Muteba, this decision was taken following the appointment of Father Henri Mungomba as Mayor of the town of Likasi without the agreement of the diocesan administrator of Kilwa Kasenga.

According to him, this constitutes a violation of the framework agreement signed between the Holy See and the Democratic Republic of Congo in June 2022, relating to the appointment by the State of a priest or a religious member to a political position. .

“In view of the foregoing, we Monsignor Fulgence Muteba, by this decree, reject the collaboration between the Mayor of the city of the former Jadoville and our institution, Archdiocese of Lubumbashi” we read in the correspondence.

Thus, Fulgence Muteba asked all pastoral agents in his jurisdiction to comply.




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