Inoculating hatred and heartbreak

Public works are not favors. They are part of the invested budget, property tax, mobility tax, industry and commerce. Public works are the ones that benefit the community the most. They are the ones that show the most management of a mayor, governor and president. It seems that they have been inoculating us with hatred and heartbreak as the years go by and they consolidate themselves in political power. It happens in the sixth category town and in the nation’s metropolis capital. For others, the only one as a capital district.

We haven’t been electing popular governments for many decades. It is celebrating 35 years of having elected mayors at the polls, which others call democracy. With the constitution of the year 1991, the governors were elected and from there to date, in that line of time, mayors and governors have been observed, repeating in alternate periods, without taking into account councilors and deputies who have retired. During these years hatred and heartbreak have been inoculated. Some have earned it and others have lost their image, with the citizens themselves, who one day got up early to cast their vote, who had to be elected, defrauded the people with the handling of the municipal budget.

They inoculated hatred and not ideologies, the traditional political parties, yes, those that are distinguished by colors, red and blue, today compete with other colors that will never be fuchsia. Since 2002, hatred and heartbreak has been inoculated, if you do not think as you should think, you are an enemy of the system, you seek to inoculate the figure of a person, it will be the most appropriate phrase, to standardize the way of having an ideology, it seems you are looking, that the citizenship walk, to the same steps of the overalls of the lie repeated too many times. There are shadows of the past, almost no one deciphers, few know regarding the realities of the country, millions of residents, different and distant cities, some hate this candidate and others that.

They inoculated hatred, that hatred is exposed in the speeches, in the images of the social networks, in the spaces of radio and television, in the digital press. Slowly, with a filigree, king’s crown jewelry style, they have entered the ranch of each citizen, to create hatred and heartbreak, so much so, families are seen cracked by the hatred created by electoral elections. Tremendous heartbreak, inoculating hatred.

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