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Warning, scam! For several days, a fake email has been circulating regarding the energy check. Here are some simple tips to spot it.

The energy check allows the French to obtain assistance to pay their electricity bills. But be careful, because for several days, a new scam rages on mailboxes!

The energy cheque, a helping hand from the State

Awarded subject to means testing, the energy check will this year concern 6 million households in France. The latter differs from the exceptional energy check which a was paid in December 2022.

Indeed, at the end of the year, the government had opted for one-off aid with the aim of respond to soaring prices, particularly for heating. Additional aid of 100 to 200 euros had therefore been paid to 12 million households.

This time, the annual energy check returns to a more traditional calendar and will therefore allow the French to pay their energy bills (electricity, gas, fuel oil, wood, for example). It therefore also makes it possible to finance the purchase of fuel or to reduce the cost of certain energy renovation works.

No action will be required on the part of households. Those who can benefit from it will therefore receive a letter. To find out if you are eligible, you must meet certain criteria. Indeed, those who are eligible are those whose reference tax income is less than 10,800 euros for one person.

For a couple, the taxable income not to be exceeded amounts to 16,200 euros (+ 3,240 euros per additional person in the household). If you have any doubts, the government has put in place an automatic simulator on its website. The latter will therefore allow you to know whether or not you are entitled to the energy check.

As for the year 2022, the energy check will be between 48 and 277 euros according to the reference tax income. An amount that might be revised upwards if the government decides.

Beware of this fake email

Thus, a household of three or more people in reference tax income of less than 5,600 euros will receive a check for 277 euros. A household made up of a single person declaring between 7,700 and 10,800 euros will have a check for 48 euros.

Distrust though. Because for several days, a false email is circulating regarding the energy check. And if you receive it, it was especially not click on it. You risk getting scammed.

Good news regarding the energy check. Households will be able to apply for it until the end of March. And some clever people have therefore decided to take advantage of this extended period to send a targeted email. Except it’s a fake email.

This new form of scam is therefore currently wreaking havoc in people’s inboxes. And if you have the misfortune to click on the link indicated, the recipient lands on a very strange website. It will therefore ask you for confirmation of the use of the energy check.

Once these steps are completed, the victim must therefore recover the famous energy check via a fraudulent link.

If you come across this type of email, be aware that this is a scam. The government will never ask you to complete any document so that you can benefit from the energy check.

Pay attention to the person sending you this email. If it’s a fraudulent address, you know it’s a scam. If the spelling is wrong, it’s a scam.



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