Ndolle City: Promoter Junior Ngosso Determined to Go All the Way Despite Criticism

For some time, Junior Ngosso, Promoter of the Ndolle City project and member of the board of directors of the consortium World Dream Investment Program (WDI), Africa Place ToBe, has been the target of criticism and mockery about his project to create a a new town in Cameroon.

However, he remains determined to go through with his project, Ndolle City, which is considered the largest investment project ever carried out in Africa.

A major project

Ndolle City is an ambitious project to build a new town in Cameroon. This project was dubbed by the President of the Republic Paul BIYA and Junior Ngosso, accompanied by his partners, was able to guarantee more than 8 billion US dollars for its realization. These funds have been secured by the L’Loyds consortium, the world leader in financial asset security.

A criticized project

Despite the financial guarantees provided by Junior Ngosso and its partners, the Ndolle City project has been the subject of criticism and ridicule. Some questioned the feasibility of this project, while others criticized that the promoter did not sufficiently take into account environmental and social concerns.

An unbroken determination

Faced with these criticisms, Junior Ngosso remains determined to go through with his project. For him, Ndolle City represents a real challenge for Cameroon and for Africa. He believes that the criticism he has received is only a reflection of fear of change and resistance to innovation.

A call for support

Junior Ngosso appeals to all economic, political and social actors in Cameroon to support his project. He believes that Ndolle City is a project of general interest which can contribute to the economic and social development of the country. He urges the Cameroonian authorities to improve the business climate and make room for creators and promoters so that projects such as Ndolle City can see the light of day.

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Junior Ngosso remains determined to go through with his project despite the criticism. He hopes that the Cameroonian authorities and all the economic, political and social actors of the country will support him in this enterprise which can contribute to the development of Cameroon and Africa.

TTSO / 237online.com

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