Mathieu’s tests: another scale? No, the first “connected health station”

The French company Withings, specializing in connected health, is well aware that now is the time to establish itself as a world reference in the field. Reason for which, undoubtedly, it connects the exits of products these last years. I told you, probably a little too soon, about the Body Comp (see my review). I should have waited for the release of the Body Scan, which transcends even more the idea of ​​scales. Because yes, Withings has taken its first steps in health 2.0 with scales that are smarter than the average. And in 2023, the functions are such that the company speaks of a “health station”. Is she right?

A scale equipped with a handle

The Body Scan looks like a solid bathroom scale equipped with a handle, connected by a thin retractable cable (so that you don’t have to bend over each time to pick it up, you can attach it to the wall above scale using a small accessory provided). Unlike the Body Comp running on AA batteries, the Body Scan incorporates a battery that is recharged via a USB-C cable (that of any Android smartphone) and each charge has a lifespan of approximately 1 year. It is quite discreet and elegant, but the bands that you see are not there to decorate: you have to center your (bare) feet there for the analyzes to be effective.

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This is all well and good, but what is it for? The handle has two roles, and the first is related to body composition (all your kilos, therefore) by segmentation. There are actually 4 electrodes on this handle, just like on the gray stripes of the glass plate. The Body Scan sends an electric current (we don’t feel it, I assure you) throughout your body, and not just on your feet. The body composition is therefore segmented (torso, arms and legs) and we obtain unprecedented data on this type of device: the amount of visceral fat, of which we know the negative impact on health. The other metrics are water and muscle: so you have a full breakdown of your weight, and an indication of the range you’re in. Objective data that can make you want to lose weight for reasons other than aesthetics…

The other role of this retractable handle that should be held, upright, in a good position (the screen of the scale and/or the application will remind you of this), is tied to your heart. Indeed, even if it seems surprising for scales, those of Withings (the most advanced, at least) are able to precisely measure your heart rate, and the regularity of it. The Body Scan can record an ECG (electrocardiogram) in 30 seconds thanks to 3 electrodes: 2 located in the handle and 1 on the scale. By standing still on the scale and holding the handle, you unknowingly create a closed electrical circuit that “allows the recording of a 6-lead ECG,” says Withings. Understand by this that it is more precise than that which some high-end models of connected watches can offer.

How does an ECG work? A little medicine! With each heartbeat, an electrical wave causes the heart to contract and pump blood. In the absence of pathology, the electrical impulse starts from the sinus node (a set of cells whose depolarization controls the heartbeat) and travels through the heart. An arrhythmia is an abnormality of this electrical activity. In the case of atrial fibrillation, the electrical impulses are disorganized at the level of the atria (the two upper chambers of the heart). They therefore do not contract effectively, resulting in irregular contractions of the ventricles, the two lower chambers of the heart. The Withings scale can detect this type of anomaly and warn the user, who will then quickly consult a doctor.

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What else does this Body Scan measure?

Lots of things, you’ll see. Vascular Age and Pulse Wave Velocity (see details in the Body Comp test), Heart Rate (while standing) and Nerve Health Score.

This nerve health, it’s not your stress level, which other manufacturers like Fitbit offer to measure with a watch. It really is a (certain) measure of your nervous system. “A low score can be a sign of peripheral neuropathy, a small nerve damage, a classic complication of some common chronic diseases“, explains Withings in the product presentation. How does it work? A small electric current of less than 4 volts (undetectable by the user) is applied to the surface of the Body Scan’s glass plate to stimulate the sweat glands of the feet Withings analyzes the results and manages to say your nerve activity is normal (everything is fine) or weak: nothing serious a priori, but you could talk to your doctor about it, and/or adopt a healthier lifestyle (physical activity and food).


It wasn’t just a marketing slogan: this Body Scan (399€) is much more than a fancy bathroom scale. By breaking down your mass, precisely analyzing your heart rate (its regularity and pulse wave) and measuring your nervous health, this Withings “scale” is a connected health station. I assume it is aimed at people of a certain age, but one can assume that anyone who wants to have objective data in relation to their heart, for whatever reason, could use it. Climbing on this scale every week by holding the handle correctly, and letting Withings analyze and compile the results in the application (which will tell you to go to the doctor if it detects abnormal trends), can a priori detect cardiovascular diseases . And in addition, it will undoubtedly motivate you to reach an optimal weight…

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