There will be more than 3,000 candidates and there are challenges for convictions

More than 3,000 candidates will have the elections on April 16 in Río Negro.

The total charges at stake on that day reach 680 where the governor, vice president, legislators, as well as local authorities in 22 municipalities and 36 Development Commissions will be elected.

Eleven forces participate for provincial positions and fourteen -exclusively- in their municipalities.

Currently, the Electoral Court is still evaluating the documentation, with innumerable observations and, in addition, challenges to the applications.

For example, three candidates for mayors are challenged with certain possibilities that their casualties will prosper: two for presenting criminal convictions (Juan Reggioni in Fernández Oro and Lucio Benítes Gutiérrez in SAO) and the third does not appear in the municipal register (Gustavo Huenelaf, from Cambia Río Negro in El Bolsón).

There is, too, multiple requirements of the Court, in charge of Carlos Da Silva, to the alliances and parties to rectify their integration (non-compliance with gender participation) or complete documentation to advance in the officialization of the different lists.

Currently, the payroll of the lists -without judicial observations- reaches 2,947, estimating that it will exceed -widely- 3,000 candidates. The corrections requested by Justice are general, but with different impacts. So, First, Río Negro registered with a formula, legislators and candidacies in 17 municipalities, but its number is low due to the large number of observations.

Ballot Hearing Postponed

The homework cluster determined that the ballot hearing is postponed to Monday, March 13 when it was expected for this Wednesday the 8th.

Before, the judge must decide on the different incidents raised and conclude with the officializations.
Also added were two complaints filed by Nos Une Río Negro and Juntos Somos Río Negro once morest Cambia Río Negro for failure to meet the campaign deadline, focused on the diffusion of its candidate Aníbal Tortoriello. The summons decree established this period at 30 days, that is, from March 15.

In addition to the definitive acceptance of the candidates, another judicial definition will occur in the hearing of the ballots, starting with the fact that the Justice will specify the interpretation of the adhesion mechanism and the partisan connections with foreign tranches will be formalized. For example, the UCR will propose its cohesion to the Weretilneck-Pesatti formula, from JSRN, annexing that green fraction.

The municipal segments will also have their crossings and in that ordering the criteria established by the court will be central. Faced with doubts regarding a system that will only be applied in this election, since the figure of adhesion was incorporated with the last reform of the Electoral Code.

This audience was always characterized by being the simple presentation of the ballots and, in any case, the debate was reduced to the size, design or exhibition of a candidate. That will not happen this time.

The Peronist dispute will take over that meeting because Colors, tones and symbols for electoral use are already being discussed. A preview occurred at the meeting of the Court for the alliances where Da Silva decided another call to continue exclusively with the proxies of the three alliances products of the Peronist break.

Once the designs have been defined, the printing of the ballots later constitutes a great difficulty for many parties due to its cost. The court proposes some 400,000 ballots to guarantee their distribution. Majority forces double or triple that amount for their campaign. Thus, the necessary resources range between 5 and 15 million pesos.

A former legislator and former mayor challenged for their sentences

Fernández Oro and San Antonio have “clean record” ordinances and, due to their validity, two mayoral candidates are challenged by their criminal convictions.

In the Atlantic municipality, former Peronist legislator Lucio Benítes Gutiérrez heads the list of United for San Antonio, and His application was challenged by JSRN and Vamos con Todos, since he has a conviction for simple sexual abuse of an 18-year-old teenager.

In addition, the PPR alliance challenged the former justicialist mayor of Fernandez Oro, Juan Reggioni who registered for the Golden Front. In his case, He was sentenced -with three other people, including his partner and son- for actions during his local management, under the crime of “negotiation incompatible with the exercise of public function”.

The ruling was ratified by the STJ, but it was with a federal appeal before the Supreme Court.

For exclusively local participations

Fourteen local parties presented proposals in eight municipalitiestotaling 266 applications.

The greatest participation of local forces is registered in the provincial capital.

Three enrolled in Viedma: PAR (25 candidates), Frente Renovador (25) and the Christian Democratic Party (13).

Two in San Antonio and Lamarque: Citizen Commitment (27) and United for San Antonio (24); and Río Negro Authentic Party (18) and United for Lamarque (18).

The remaining presentations were Catriel Neighborhood Action Front (17), Frente de Oro Neighborhood Party (15), Alianza Choele Presente (15), Movement for El Bolsón (15) and All for Ramos (13).

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