The FMF will hold its only ordinary general meeting on Sunday in Mantasoa. An important meeting for the future of football.

An extraordinary ordinary general meeting. That’s the case to say. The Malagasy Football Federation will hold an ordinary general assembly for the first and last time following a four-year term. A meeting to establish an assessment first following a tumultuous exercise to say the least but ended in apotheosis with the bronze medal obtained by the Barea at Chan disputed in Algeria in December. It was not easy for the FMF undermined by a stubborn leadership war following the departure abroad of elected president Raoul Arizaka Rabekoto, the only one recognized by FIFA. The FMF has completely split into two camps. One wanted to eliminate the other by all means. Politics got involved and open threats were aimed at some members. The current vice-president was the subject of criminal proceedings at the level of the Anti-Corruption Pole. It took a warning shot from FIFA for all the dirty tricks to stop. The return to normal was accompanied by the release of FIFA subsidies hitherto suspended. The FMF was able to breathe. A FIFA delegation should observe this general meeting. The executive committee of the FMF will submit its moral, financial and technical assessment to the appreciation of the General Assembly.

See a change

The presentation of the Electoral Commission will be the second item on the agenda of this meeting. This commission will define the rules of the game for all elections at section, league and federation level. The wish of the majority of football enthusiasts is to see a change in the electoral body so far composed of the presidents of the leagues. All previous elections have been marred by strong suspicion of corruption and vote buying of league presidents. The last elective general meeting in November 2018 was
thus aborted because of this situation. League presidents had been prevented from voting. Limiting the electorate to the presidents of the leagues would encourage corruption. Public opinion suggests an electorate extended to technicians, journalists, representatives of supporters… Just to give the president and elected members more representativeness and more legitimacy. It also prevents opportunists from getting elected. But why not an election by direct universal suffrage? When we see the general enthusiasm for the return of the Barea from Algeria, we can say that football concerns everyone and that it is not the business of the federation alone. Beyond this general assembly, it is the whole future of football that is at stake. It remains to be hoped that the Electoral Commission is not made up of puppets from some, pantomimes from others and that the dice are not loaded from the start.



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