Cerruti and Brancatelli crossed Milei for his criticism of Alberto Fernández: “What do you work for?”

The national deputyJavier Milei, replied to the president, Alberto Fernández, the doubts that he sowed regarding the income of the libertarian. “I live from my job, Alberto, as I did all my life. Something that you do not understand why You became a millionaire lobbying for those multinationals that you say you hate”, tweeted the legislator and Gabriela Cerruti and Diego Brancatelli went out to cross it.

“They tell me that the useless president, Alberto Fernández, came out to question what I live on. I live from my job, Alberto, as I have done all my life. Something that you do not understand because you became a millionaire lobbying for those multinationals that you say you hate, ”wrote the libertarian on his social networks.

“Don’t worry, within a year you will know what an honest job is because you run out of politics. Take care of the country that you have destroyed since you took office,” he added. Given this, the presidential spokesperson, Gabriela Cerruti, He answered in tune with Fernández: “What work do you do, Milei? I warn you that being a deputy is incompatible with having other jobs. And the salary you donate. So I got lost.”

Tweets by Milei.

“None of my activities in the private sector are in conflict with my activity as a national deputy…”, Milei retorted to which the spokeswoman insisted: “All very nice, but until now you didn’t say what you do. What is your income, who pays you, what companies are they? Thus we are sure that none of the laws that are being debated have any relationship with any of these companies”.

Cruce Milei, Cerruti, Brancatelli

For his part, another who joined the round trip was Diego Brancatelli who replied to the leader of La Libertad Avanza: “The President is not aware that you no longer work. You live on what they collect with the work of the purchased candidacies. Your little sister and the collector. You found a taste for politics. You are part of the caste. Too bad you’re not going to Congress.”

Cruce Milei, Cerruti, Brancatelli

The President’s words once morest Milei

“I don’t want to stop at this character But who pays Milei? He is a worker of the multinationalsHe also proposes individualistic freedom, I don’t want young people to be disenchanted with him,” President Alberto Fernández shot this Friday night in a long interview on C5N.

“Milei seems anti-system but he is the system, he worked for this economic structure that he questions, and the best freedom is to guarantee more equality,” added the head of state. It was there that he considered that the support that the economist receives derives from the fact that “the pandemic has affected everyone and particularly the youngest, who saw their youth with frustration, there were two years in which they were restricted in a lot of things, and from suddenly someone appears who says the word freedom, but behind that word there is a big lie, because few will benefit and those young people will not benefit”.

Many of those who talk regarding democracy and freedom do not respect it“, the President specified, although this last part of his criticism was not dedicated only to Milei, but added that” this also includes many leaders of Together for Change.

And this Saturday, Milei’s response came telling Alberto Fernández “I live from my work, as I have done my whole life”, but also counterattacked with the issue of companies, attributing to the President “having become a millionaire by lobbying for those multinationals that say you hate.”


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