How I gave birth to a child weighing 5128 grams

This text was written in the Community, it retains the author’s style and spelling.

Preparing for pregnancy

Did I prepare? No. No, we both knew it made babies, but two lines on a pregnancy test still came as a surprise. There was no intention of getting pregnant.

How was the pregnancy

I got registered in a regular antenatal clinic for free. Thank you for having a doctor. By the way, I saw mostly middle-aged women in the waiting lists, there were very few young people.

Before the maternity leave, I went in euphoria: no toxicosis, no global problems, I felt great. But shortly before going on maternity leave, the left hip joint began to hurt. It was then that I cursed all of our medicine at once. I might not prove to the doctors that something abnormal was happening to me, not typical of pregnancy in principle. I got up on crutches, because I might neither walk nor sit / stand / lie down without pain. And I was sent to one doctor, then to another, everywhere there were queues and an appointment for a month in advance. The examination, which was available to me in my position – looked / touched / listened to, gave the following result: “Come following the birth.” As a result, I had to take a chance and take a course of vitamin D with calcium in the last months of pregnancy, although the doctor stubbornly denied that I needed vitamins. And following three days of taking the pain went away and everything got better.

Search for information

I spent the whole pregnancy on the website, and since this was not the first child, I knew a lot for a long time.

Positive and negative points

In the middle of my pregnancy, I had to change jobs. Since I have always been not thin, and at that time I was no longer young, it never occurred to anyone that in three months I might go on maternity leave. You should have seen the boss’s eyes when he found out????

There was a moment when I realized that instead of the brain I have solid progesterone: I forgot the pin codes from the cards. My husband took me to the banks, restored and immediately recorded. An amazing coincidence: the pin codes went in such a way that the numbers changed exactly by one: for example, for one card it was 0645, for the other 0756. And the son was born a month and one day following my birthday: 04.04–05.05.

I’m still studying by correspondence! The only session in all four years that I missed because I was in the hospital.

Preparing for childbirth

The maternity hospital was “at registration”, childbirth was free, the ward was shared. Relatives applied so many things, including brilliant green, that we, it seems, only bought a bath.

How was the birth

My son was born on time, I was put in a little early, the contractions began already in the maternity hospital on the second day. The whole process took 26 hours. At the last ultrasound, the doctor decided that there was too much amniotic fluid, wrote “polyhydramnios”. And here it is, this polyhydramnios, was born weighing 5128. When they told me, I did not even immediately understand what kind of number it was. Then it became clear why crutches were needed. If it weren’t for this problem at the very beginning of the decree, if I were on the surgeon’s table, they would take out my caesarean, and so I managed on my own and without complications, I might sit right away.


Pregnancy and childbirth were free, they bought only a couple of dresses and trousers for pregnant women, ten years ago this resulted in regarding 15,000 rubles. And for the child, we were given so many things that we didn’t have to buy.

Advice for those regarding to give birth

For those who are just planning, I would advise you to be sure to be examined in advance. Especially for the expectant mother, there should not be any shortages. Put yourself in order, drink the necessary vitamins, especially if you took birth control. None of the couple should have bad habits. Get your teeth in order! Then, if something happens, it will not be possible to take a picture. And if something is bothering you, feel free to go to your doctor’s supervisor and ask questions.



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