Unusual: Doyenne of humanity, the Catalan María Branyas celebrated her 116th birthday this Saturday

Since January 17, the dean of humanity is Catalan. She just celebrated her 116th birthday.

Since the death of the French sister André, on January 17, at the age of 118, María Branyas Morera has been the new dean of humanity.

Born in San Francisco on March 4, 1907, María Branyas Morera celebrates her 116th birthday this Saturday.

The “Super Avia Catalana” Twitter account, which regularly gives news of María Branyas, published a poem by Jaroslav Seifert, former Nobel Prize for Literature, indicating that he was celebrating “today (his) 116 years”. “I had to reach old age to learn to love the silence… In the silence exciting signals appear and at the crossroads of memory, you detect names that time has tried to drown”.

Good morning, world. Today I turn 116 years old. As Jaroslav Seifert says:
“I had to come of age
to learn to love the
In the silence they appear
excited signs
and at the crossroads of the
you spot names”
that time intended
drown”. pic.twitter.com/ldYHBJVYky

— Catalan Super Grandma (@MariaBranyas112) March 4, 2023

As a reminder, in May 2020, María Branyas became the oldest person in the world to have survived Covid-19 at the age of 113.

Arriving in Catalonia at a very young age, María Branyas has lived in the Santa Maria del Tura residence in Olot for two decades.

It is an honor and a pleasure to announce to all that LongeviQuest members visited yesterday, March 3, 2023, one day before her 116th birthday, the world’s oldest living person, Mrs. Maria Branyas Morera. pic.twitter.com/3K8IbVuqCb

— LongeviQuest Supercentenarios (@Supercentenaria) March 4, 2023

At the time of celebrating its 116 years, the Catalan saying is essential: “Per molts anys!” (And for many years).

Read also :
Maria Branyas, the new dean of humanity, is 115 years old and lives in Catalonia



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