The Ecuadorian Prosecutor’s Office requests preventive detention for former President Lenín Moreno for a corruption case

  • Writing
  • BBC News World

news/240/cpsprodpb/C8B8/production/_128848315_gettyimages-1180904314.jpg 240w, 320w, 480w, 624w, 800w" alt="Expresidente ecuatoriano Lenin Moreno" attribution="Getty Images" layout="responsive" src="" height="450" width="800" data-hero="true"/>

image source, Getty Images

The Ecuadorian Prosecutor’s Office requested this Friday the preventive detention for former President Lenín Moreno, following accusing him of the crime of bribery for allegedly participating in a corruption scheme that involves the collection of US$76 million in bribes.

Prosecutor Diana Salazar warned that the amount is equivalent to 4% of the value of the contract to build the Coca Codo Sinclair dam, which was assigned to the Chinese construction company Synohodro during the time that Moreno was vice president in the government of Rafael Correa.

Among the 37 people charged by the Prosecutor’s Office are also Moreno’s wife, daughter, mother-in-law, two brothers and two sisters-in-law, who would have received US$660,000 in kickbacks.

The prosecutor requested preventive detention for the 37 involved, with the purpose of guaranteeing that everyone is present throughout the criminal process.



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