Ecology and mining should be dealt with by one department

In no case should the Ministry of Natural Resources, Ecology and Technical Supervision of the Kyrgyz Republic be divided. Such an opinion with the editors shared political scientist, economic expert Denis Berdakov.

According to him, an integrated approach is being implemented now – an environmental and resource system of state administration.

“Issues of ecology and subsoil use are now merged. Therefore, we definitely need one ministry that would deal with this. For a long time, ecology and the mining sector were separated for us, and the result was obvious. If we now separate the environmental service once more, we can return to The environmental service is not a law enforcement agency, and simply, under various pretexts, they will not be allowed into enterprises, or they will interfere in every possible way with its activities. Therefore, now, when an integrated approach is being implemented, it is necessary that one agency,” the expert said.

Recall that earlier the President of the Board of the Association of Miners and Geologists of the Kyrgyz Republic Duishenbek Kamchybekov said that it is necessary to separate ecology from the mining industry.



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