Steam “Figment” is free for a limited time, a well-received hand-painted wind puzzle adventure game | 4Gamers

The highly acclaimed hand-painted action-adventure game “Figment” is currently free for a limited time on Steam. Just log in to the Steam account and go to the store page to claim the game for 0 yuan and save it permanently in the collection library.

“Figment” is the first adventure series launched by the Bedtime Digital Games team in 2017. The story describes the peaceful surreal world of “The Mind” where nightmares (Nightmares) begin to appear, and the only hope is “The Mind” The courageous representative of Dusty, the grumpy Dusty, and his bird partner Piper, following the Nightmare Lord stole Dusty’s sketchbook, Dusty embarked on an adventure with Piper.

The sequel “Figment 2” of “Figment” is expected to be released on March 10, 2023. In order to let more people experience the whimsical world of “Figment”, the official offers a limited-time free event of the previous game.

“Figment” is free for a limited time until March 10th at 2:00 am Get it for free and keep it forever.



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