Demonstration by Flemish farmers in Brussels: demonstrators return home, no major incidents

In case of “bad deal“, Boerenbond does not rule out taking the case to court. Many young farmers were also present (a third of the 3,000 demonstrators according to the organization of young farmers and horticulturists Groene Kring).

They call on the Flemish government to protect the future of their profession. “The government must take into account older farmers who will cease their activities: this will lead to a reduction in nitrogen emissions“, souligne le president de Groene Kring, Bram Van Hecke.

The Flemish government is meeting once more on Friday followingnoon in order to reach an agreement in this thorny issue which has poisoned the life of the N-VA/CD&V/Open Vld coalition in the north of the country for months. While the Jambon government had agreed a year ago on a major nitrogen plan, several partners, including the CD&V, believe in particular that farmers are too hard hit by the planned restrictions. It is particularly a question of closures of farms deemed to be too large emitters of nitrogen and classified “rouge“.



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