Alberto Fernández: “If Messi wants to take a picture with Macri, Messi’s problem”

President Alberto Fernández spoke tonight regarding the insecurity situation that Rosario is experiencing and assured: “What Aníbal said, he said in a figurative sense. When Aníbal says ‘they have won’ it does not mean that they have defeated us”.

In an interview with C5NHe added: “Organized crime has been in Rosario for decades. It is not a minor fact that the threat falls on a supermarket belonging to his father-in-law. One might make a thousand speculations that I don’t want to do. The event that occurred should not have occurred and the issue of drug trafficking, I don’t know how much is involved in this case, exists beyond that and must be attacked. This idea that we fill the streets with gendarmes and people are fine is a false idea”.

When asked if the photo of the captain of the National Team with former president Mauricio Macri bothered him, he replied: “The truth is that I have 7 million problems, what worries me least is the photo with which people take. If I had Messi I would hug him and say thank you for the joy you gave us and I don’t know if I would hug him If Messi wants to take a picture with Macri Messi’s problem”.

Alberto Fernandez and Anibal Fernandez.Presidency

Fernández did not rule out today the possibility that the Army might collaborate in the plans to “urbanize” the neighborhoods of Rosario where drug gangs settle.

“We have to urbanize the neighborhoods of Rosario and the Army can collaborate in this task, but without weapons,” said the president and recalled that in Rosario “There are ex-commissioners imprisoned for drug trafficking” and maintained that “in Santa Fe there is an organized crime that has been going on for decades.”

He also affirmed tonight that his message before the Legislative Assembly sought to “break a media siege that covers many achievements.” of the national government, and considered that having exercised the administration of the country during the pandemic was “like walking in a swamp.”

“We might not impose our economic logic. The pandemic arrived on the 99th day of our Government. There were then very good economic indicators, but we had to change the logic. The pandemic cut everything off for us, but we did the right thing,” said the head of state during the interview with the official channel.

Regarding the rise in prices, he defended himself: “Inflation is a regional issue. Sociologists always say that the phenomenon must be analyzed at a given moment and not in the abstract. The inflationary issue in Argentina must be analyzed within the context of the country. And it is that we came to the Government with 54 points of inflation, indebted, and we faced the pandemic without any type of credit.

Alberto Fernandez and Cristina Kirchner.

“We issued, that messed up the public accounts a bit, all this also ends up having inflationary effects, it is not very different from what happens to the US or Europe with the difference that they can access credit, ours is a scenario a little worse.” Then he added that the inflation in January was because 35 million people went on vacation, so the hotel and gastronomy industry “pushed” prices up.. According to the president, in March he will also be discharged due to the start of classes, but in April he “begins to slow down.”

Fernández also considered tonight that the national deputy Javier Milei “is an employee of the multinationals.”

“Today marks the 3rd anniversary of the first case of the pandemic. I have the impression that the pandemic has affected all of us and particularly the youngest, because the truth was they saw their youth with frustration. There were two years where they were restricted in a lot of things and suddenly someone appears who says the word freedom and obscures them with the word freedom. Behind that word there is a big lie because it is the freedom that few will benefit from and surely a lot of young people, those, will not benefit from freedom, “said Fernández and added:”I have the impression that due to a collective emotional issue, the youth is somewhat prone to not listening to politics and is very prone to listening to anti-system messages and Milei It seems to be anti-system, but it is the very embodiment of the system”.

The president added: “I don’t want to dwell on this character, but who pays Milei?” He is a worker for multinationals and proposes individualistic freedom. I don’t want young people to be disenchanted with him. Many of those who talk regarding democracy and freedom do not respect it. That includes many PvC leaders.”.

President Alberto Fernández considered tonight that “surely not everything is the same” in the opposition, and described as “painful” the attitude of the Juntos por el Cambio interblock during the speech he gave before the Legislative Assembly.

Regarding the blackout on Wednesday, he stated that he “had no doubts” that what happened following his speech before the Legislative Assembly “was sabotage” because of his statements.

With an eye on the election year, the head of state asked that people vote for the space that integrates “whatever the candidate”: “We have a clear path, we know what we want and how to get there. My aspiration is not to be re-elected, it is for the Frente de Todos to win. If I am a good option it will be me and if not it will be someone else”.

For Fernández, the STEPs are the “only clear path for us to value ourselves.” Having made the distinction, he encouraged any referent from the political scene to join an internal one if he wishes: “And [Juan[ Grabois quiere ser candidato, bienvenido a ser candidato. Lo mismo para Wado [De Pedro] and Sergio [Massa]”.

“The problem is when we choose the candidate between two or three. That is the problem, ”she clarified below. “You were a handpicked candidate”, affirmed the journalists sent by C5N during the dialogue, to which the President responded: “Yeah. And I don’t want that to happen once more. I don’t want to put a candidate or for anyone to put a candidate. I want people to put it up.”

Fernández, prior to the interview, today expressed his “eternal gratitude” to the health personnel who fought the Covid-19 pandemicduring an act of tribute to professionals in the sector on the three-year anniversary of the confirmation of the first case of coronavirus in the country.

He said it at the closing of the national meeting “One country, one response”, which was held at the Kirchner Cultural Center (CCK), where all the country’s teams that worked to care for the population and to mitigate the impact were honored. of the pandemic.

“With the pandemic we all get involved, but for the health personnel I will only keep eternal gratitude. In therapy, the doctors, nurses and kinesiologists were exposing their lives. We are indebted to you and it is the least we can do. It is difficult for a President to talk regarding this time that we have lived through”, Fernández pointed out when speaking in the CCK’s Ballena Azul space.

Alberto Fernández with Carla VizzottiPresidency

In an act that he shared with the Minister of Health, Carla Vizzotti, the president remarked that in February 2020 he was in Europe with several personalities and “a European leader asked me regarding the virus, because there was very little information.”

“He warned me that the virus might have very serious consequences, damage to the economy. That leader was (the then German Chancellor) Angela Merkel, at a dinner we had. When I arrived in Buenos Aires, I spoke with (former Health Minister) Ginés (González García) and he told me that we had to be vigilant, ”Fernández recalled.

“Two weeks following coming from Europe, the pandemic was merciless,” he recalled. He commented that “in Spain, in Italy, they did not know how to control the cases and tremendous images were seen.”

“I spoke with (Giuseppe) Conte, the then Prime Minister of Italy, with Pedro Sánchez (president of the Spanish Government); and they did not understand how to calm that. ‘We don’t have a remedy’, they told me. They proposed to isolate themselves to avoid having contact,” said the head of state.

Alberto Fernandez and Carla Vizzotti.Presidency

“Then (the virus) arrived in Argentina and I asked them to set up a medical team to see what it was regarding,” said the head of state. In this sense, Fernández added that it was done “with great doctors who did it selflessly and none of them charged a penny for assisting me.”

Fernández outlined that he came to the Government “without a Ministry (of Health), with an abandoned hospital system, in a country where measles had returned, and hospitals were not being built.” “Argentina was a producer and supplier of respirators to a Cordoba company that sold them abroad,” he recalled.

The head of state said that he made the decision in those days to “prohibit this export to buy them and thus it was possible to provide 4,000 beds with automatic respirators to the country’s care centers.” “In addition, we built more than 30 modular hospitals, with more therapy beds and better care for our people,” he summarized.

Fernández also referred to the need to produce “food so that it reaches deprived neighborhoods” and in this sense he distinguished the Armed Forces, which “worked like never before and reached all corners” of the country.

“Everyone did what they had to do and more. I toured humble neighborhoods, the dining rooms and picnic areas in their precarious houses and I saw the solidarity of those who have less”, the President contributed.


Conocé The Trust Project



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