electricians and gas workers begin a renewable strike

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18h49 : ???? NO right-wing speaker, none, nada, since the beginning of the debate on the articles. only the left intervenes… #pjlretraites #directsenat

18h49 : The socialist senator Marie-Pierre de La Gontrie affirms that only the left intervenes for the moment.

18h50 : “Was it really the time to make this reform?”asks the government the senator of the Hautes-Pyrénées Viviane Artigalas, stressing that we are barely emerging from the Covid-19 pandemic and that the French are hit by inflation.

18h13 : Consideration of the 3,732 amendments has just begun in the Senate.

17h33 : #ReformesDesRetraites series of reminders to the rules from the left to request the communication of the note of the Council of State on the text. “When there is a blur, there is a wolf” quotes @mnlienemann https://t.co/WAmXZOpJqp

17h37 : I see you are following, @Alix. I counted close to a dozen already, especially from the left. Socialist Senator Marie-Noëlle Lienemann has just spoken.

17h29 : Points of order are also raining in the Senate.

17h08 : It is 5 p.m., the senators have just resumed the examination of the pension reform for the second day. You can follow the debates live.

16h56 : You have your answer, @Marc 🙂 For those who want to check, just click here.


16h55 : Hello, I have just looked on EcoMix apparently the production of nuclear power plants is down compared to this morning

17h08 :

The movement was launched “taking into account the debate which opens in the Senate” on article 1 concerning the abolition of special regimes, of which electricians and gas workers are part, announces the CGT. In these conditions, “EDF agents of nuclear power plants go on strike and lower the production of electricity this followingnoon”. The EDF site lists load drops in several nuclear power plants. Follow our live.

A high voltage line in Jouy-en-Josas (Yvelines), September 4, 2022.(SERGE TENANI / HANS LUCAS / AFP)

17h08 : he electricians and gas workers began their renewable strike this followingnoon,Declines in electricity production have been recorded at several nuclear power plants.

16h16 : ???? Session 8 of the Citizen’s Convention on the end of life is postponed to the weekend of March 17, and session 9 to the weekend of March 31, according to this participant. Another announcement made to citizens: they will be received at the Elysée by Emmanuel Macron in April.

16h16 : ???? The organizers of the Citizen’s Convention on the end of life announce the postponement of the last two work sessions, pushing back the end of the Convention to April 2 (and no longer March 19), according to a citizen. Reason given: the disturbances linked to the strike of March 7.

16h18 : The March 7 strike has (also) consequences for the Citizens’ Convention on the end of life. Due to future transport disruptions, the organizers have adapted the planned schedule, our journalist Yann Thompson tells us.

15h27 : “Together, on March 7, let’s put France on hold.” This is the slogan launched by the inter-union for the mobilization on Tuesday once morest the pension reform project. But in fact, what should we expect concretely in transport, schools, industries? Some answers in our article.

Demonstrators  once morest the pension reform display a poster in the run-up to the mobilization of March 7, in Paris, February 23, 2023. (NATHALIE VU-DINH / HANS LUCAS / AFP)(NATHALIE VU-DINH / HANS LUCAS / AFP)

14h34 : I invite all French people who can to telecommute.”

In anticipation of Tuesday’s strike, the Minister of Transport calls “all those who have the possibility of teleworking to seize it” to overcome the expected blockages in transport. “We saw during previous mobilizations that the French seized on these new tools, but not everyone can, I am aware of that”said Clément Beaune.

13h59 : Phil : you have to refer to the pension reform review in the Senate. Debates resume at 5 p.m. today. And it will obviously be to follow in this live.

13h57 : You’re not talking regarding pensions?

12h17 : The senators on the left will meet the inter-union this followingnoon at 3:30 p.m., learned franceinfo from parliamentary sources. At the initiative of environmentalists, this meeting by videoconference will bring together the various unions, youth movements (Unef, High school life). It should allow to discuss the parliamentary strategy and the mobilization of next Tuesday. The secretary general of the CGT Philippe Martinez will participate.

11:30 a.m. : #ReformesDesRetraites the referendum motion, carried by the left of the Senate, which consists in stopping the debate on the text to submit it to referendum was rejected by 251 votes once morest and 93 for https://t.co/ISx00yQ5ap

11:30 a.m. : Unsurprisingly, the referendum motion tabled by the left-wing senators, which consists in stopping the debate on the text in order to submit it to a referendum, was rejected. In all, 251 elected officials voted once morest and 93 votes for.

08:28 : However, the Socialist Group’s approach has little chance of succeeding. To be considered admissible, it must be signed by at least one tenth of the members of the upper house, or a minimum of 30 senators.

08:28 : Emmanuel Macron said: ‘I trust the common sense of the French.’ Let’s go, trust their common sense: the best way is to ask them their opinion”, reacted the president of the socialist group in the Senate, Patrick Kanner, at the microphone of Public Senate. The group actually tabled a referendum motion yesterday, aimed at directly consulting the French on the pension reform project.

08h27 : The debate in the Senate will not be a formality”defends herself on franceinfo Eliane Assassi, communist senator from Seine-Saint-Denis. “We want to debate this text in substance, all its articles, particularly article 7” concerning the postponement of the legal retirement age to 64 years. “I completely refute this word obstruction, we are doing our job as parliamentarians”she added.



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