From your kitchen.. simple foodstuffs that relieve you of constipation

Many suffer from the problem of constipation, which affects the course of daily life, and makes them feel distressed and uncomfortable, but some food solutions may contribute to relieving symptoms and regulating bowel movement better.

There are many drinks that contribute to stimulating the movement of the digestive system, including:

Lemon water

  • According to nutritionist Caroline Thomason, lemons contain vitamin C, which research indicates is a natural laxative.
  • The specialist says, “If you drink lemon water every morning for 30 days, you will definitely notice the difference.

Chia seeds

  • A mixture of water, chia seeds, and a little lemon helps lubricate the intestines, thus combating constipation.


  • Coffee is known for its stimulant contents, but it can also stimulate the digestive system into action.
  • Even decaffeinated coffee stimulates the intestines and helps them contract better, says nutritionist Kim Kolb.

Fruit juice

  • Juices such as pear, apple, and apricot can relieve constipation.
  • Peaches also have positive effects, as they significantly reduce salivation and bulking of stools, and relieve flatulence.

aloe vera juice

  • Aloe vera contains a large number of antioxidants, and can help speed up bowel movements and relieve bloating.

Ginger tea

  • This drink contains many compounds that contribute to stimulating the digestive system well and relieving bloating.



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