LIVE – Pension reform: the referendum request of left-wing senators rejected

INFO BFMTV: an exchange between the inter-union and the senators on the left is planned for this Friday followingnoon

At the initiative of environmentalists, an exchange is planned between left-wing senators and the inter-union, this Friday at 3:30 p.m., according to information from BFMTV.

The CGT, represented by its secretary general Philippe Martinez, but also officials from the UNSA, the CFE-CGC, Solidaires, Force Ouvrière, the CFDT and the Unef will take part in this meeting.

On the political side, Patrick Kanner, Guillaume Gontard and Éliane Assassi, respectively leaders of the socialist, environmentalist and communist senators, will be present. Just like Marine Tondelier, the national secretary of Europe Ecology – The Greens.

Pension reform: the referendum request of left-wing senators rejected

The senators debated this morning the request for a referendum of the senatorial left.

It was largely rejected with 93 votes in favor and 251 votes once morest.

Marylise Léon (CFDT) affirms that it is not the inter-union which will decide on a renewal of the movement

“It is not the slogan that was at the origin of this movement”. On BFMTV, the deputy secretary of the CFDT, Marylise Léon, affirmed that the intersyndicale did not plan to call for a “renewable strike” following March 7.

“The intersyndicale is not on the renewable strike,” she explained. But “there are variations by sectors which make their own choices”, she acknowledged, stressing that calls for a renewable strike had already been launched by certain professions such as railway workers.

“It is up to the professional sectors” to decide whether or not to have a renewable strike, continued Marylise Léon. But “we remain very clear in the inter-union: it is not us who will decide from a national point of view on this type of movement”, she said.

5% surcharge for mothers: Kanner believes that “it’s a positive measure, of recognition”

Patrick Kanner speaks on Public Sénat concerning the proposal by Les Républicains senators to create a 5% surcharge for mothers of families of at least two children with a full career from the age of 63.

“It’s a positive measure, of recognition”, greets the president of the socialist group at the Luxembourg Palace. “Anything that will better protect citizens, we are in favor of it,” he explains, adding nevertheless that “the best method is not to increase the legal age” of retirement.

Regarding the proposal, still from the right, to create a senior CDI, exempt from social security contributions, Patrick Kanner is “quite reserved”. He evokes “discount contracts”, and declares: “Be careful not to make different categories”.

Marylise Léon (CFDT): March 7 should make it possible to “move up a gear”

“To mark the occasion, to mark the spirits, to finally have a response from the government”. Invited on BFMTV, the deputy secretary of the CFDT, Marylise Léon said she wanted to make March 7 a “significant day (…) with a maximum of workers who stop working to express their dissatisfaction and their refusal of this profoundly unjust reform”.

“We have already had the opportunity to have several days of mobilization and today the idea is to move up a gear and have even greater mobilizations,” she added.

Pension reform: the executive calls on the right to a “compromise” in the Senate

The debates on the very controversial pension reform started this Thursday in the Senate, in a much more serene atmosphere than in the National Assembly, the government extending its hand to the Republicans while the left denounced the reform “of the united rights”.

>> Find the summary of this first day of debates in our article

Kanner recognizes a “tacit agreement” in the Senate not to debate Article 7 before the inter-union mobilization

In the Senate, “there is a form of tacit agreement” not to examine article 7 before the inter-union mobilization of March 7, recognizes Patrick Kanner on Public Senate.

“I think that in the wisdom of the Senate, including the right, but also the left, everyone understands that the expression of the French on March 7 must be known before the examination of article 7”, explains the one who chairs the socialist group at the Luxembourg Palace.

For Éliane Assassi, “the right has remarks regarding women who are contemptuous”

Éliane Assassi returned to the Republicans’ proposal to create a 5% surcharge for mothers of at least two children with a full career from the age of 63.

For the communist senator from Seine-Saint-Denis, “the right has remarks regarding women who are contemptuous”. “In fact, the women would only be there to have children because there is a demographic problem in the country,” she adds.

Before denouncing: “It’s unacceptable, it’s violent for women”.

Éliane Assassi assures that “the debate in the Senate will not be a formality”

The senatorial left wants to make its voice and its opposition to the pension reform heard. “The debate in the Senate will not be a formality”, warns Eliane Assassi, president of the Communist Republican Citizen and Ecologist group (CRCE), while the left presents a referendum motion this Friday morning.

His troops intend to use their right to amend the text, but they want “particularly to discuss article 7”, providing for the extension of the legal retirement age to 64, once morest 62 currently.

For Roger Karoutchi, “the government has taken up the proposals of the LR group in the Senate since 2018”

“The government, in reality, has taken up the proposals of the group Les Républicains in the Senate since 2018”, declared Senator Roger Karoutchi on Public Senate this Friday, concerning the pension reform.

A reference to an amendment voted for several years by senators as part of the Social Security financing bill. This consists in particular of pushing the legal age from 62 to 64 and accelerating the Touraine reform, setting the progressive extension of the contribution period necessary for retirement.

“It’s a shame that we took so long”, nevertheless deplores the elected LR from Hauts-de-Seine.

For the one who is also vice-president of the Senate, “if we had carried out this pension reform in 2018, the material and financial conditions of balance would have been easier to find”.

Philippe Martinez repeats his intention to “destroy the reform project”

A few days before the new day of inter-union mobilization on March 7, the secretary general of the CGT considered that it was important to “show our determination at the national level” in order to “bring down the reform project” of pensions.

“Here, it’s the Republic, not the ZAD”: Attal opens the debate on pensions in the Senate and mocks the Assembly

After one electrical sequence at the National Assemblywhere discussions got bogged down amid opposition amendments and government intransigence, the pension reform project arrives in the Senate.

This Thursday indeed marked the beginning of the examination of the text in session at the Luxembourg Palace. The opportunity for Gabriel Attal, Minister of Public Accounts, to play the upper house once morest the lower house, and to express his conviction of reaching a “compromise” thanks to the first.

>>Our article

“Ecological, agricultural, health disaster”: before March 7, the government plays the strategy of fear

Listening to Olivier Véran, the apocalypse seems to be watching France. At the end of the Council of Ministers on Wednesday, the government spokesman increased in severity when discussing the possible consequences of the strike movement once morest the pension reform planned for March 7 at the initiative of the unions.

Referring in turn to drought, vaccination once morest the papillomavirus and the rail network, he judged that “bringing France to a halt” would amount to “taking the risk of an ecological, agricultural, health disaster”, to be neglected ” the health of our children” or to “miss the train of the future”. A “strategy of fear” which aims to place trade unions in a role of irresponsibility.

>> Find our analysis

The inter-union denies having already planned new demonstrations on March 11 and 14

According to information from Parisian, other demonstrations are already preparing following March 7th. In its edition of the day, the newspaper speaks of March 11 and 14. Dates firmly denied by the inter-union via a press release this Thursday.

>> Our article

Pensions: the “secret” deal with the LRs in the Senate which embarrasses the left

“It’s supposed to be kept secret.” The confidence is signed by the entourage of one of the heavyweights in the Senate. The embarrassment is palpable following the exchanges between the left of the upper house and the right around a breakfast on Wednesday, on the eve of the arrival of the pension reform this Thursday followingnoon in the hemicycle.

And for good reason: the socialist, communist and environmentalist senators have agreed with the Republicans who hold the majority with the centrists on the turn of the debates in the Senate.

>> Our article

Hello everyone!

Welcome to this live devoted to pension reform, the examination of which continues in the Senate this Friday. With, to begin this morning, the study of a referendum motion presented by the senatorial left.

This provision, if it is adopted by the two chambers of Parliament, and if it receives the approval of the President of the Republic, makes it possible to organize a referendum.



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