Arrested two Americans who allegedly sent aviation technology to Russia | Forbes JAPAN Official Site (Forbes Japan)

The U.S. Department of Justice announced on March 2 that two Americans were arrested in Kansas City on suspicion of sending U.S. aviation technology to Russia. They violate US export controls and are at odds with US foreign policy toward Russia, which is in its second year of invading Ukraine.

DOJ charges Cyril Gregory Buyanovsky, 59, and Douglas Robertson, 55, with conspiracy, exporting controlled goods without the required licenses, falsifying export declarations, and smuggling illegal goods. bottom.

If convicted, they face up to 20 years in prison for each charge of unauthorized export of controlled goods, up to 10 years for smuggling, and up to five years for conspiracy and falsification of records.

Department of JusticeBuyanovsky and Robertson supplied Russian companies with “Western avionics equipment” (aircraft electronics) through a company they own and operate called KanRus Trading Company, according to the allegations.

They also provided repair services for U.S.-made equipment used in Russian-made planes, according to the Justice Department.

According to the indictment, Buyanovsky and Robertson violated U.S. export laws to Russia by misrepresenting the equipment’s “true end-user” and final destination and shipping it to other countries, including Germany, rather than directly to Russia. He said he was avoiding it.

According to the Justice Department, U.S. authorities seized a cargo of aircraft equipment exported by KanRus in February 2022, just as Russian troops entered Ukraine and Russian President Vladimir Putin launched airstrikes that included the capital Kyiv. Meanwhile, the Department of Commerce notified Buyanovsky and Robertson last February that they needed a special license to export the equipment to Russia, but they will send the technology to Russia through Armenia and Cyprus without a license until the summer. continued to ship.

The United States and its Western allies have announced a new campaign aimed at Russia following Russian forces invaded Ukraine last February.export regulationcarried out. The State Department said the export controls have eroded Russia’s access to advanced technology produced in other countries since they came into effect last year. The State Department said the move came at a time when Russia was “struggling” to import critical technology, including semiconductors, and was forced to “cannibalize existing airline components that are no longer available abroad.” writing.




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