That’s how easy hot water is for your health – 9 times over

Nothing is as simple and effective as drinking hot water. Some even speak of a hot water cure. Tap water is simply boiled for ten to twenty minutes – and the Ayurvedic remedy no. 1 is ready.

Hot water – your source of happiness

Ayurveda recommends drinking hot water throughout the day. It’s not the quantity that counts, it’s the regularity. I fill the hot water in a warming jug in the morning. All my friends only ever know me with a pot of hot water. I don’t even leave the house without it.
Drink a few sips of hot water, as hot as you feel comfortable, regarding every half hour. Ayurveda also recommends hot water with meals. It strengthens Agni, the power of digestion, and helps to digest food more completely. However, only regarding half a cup! Before and following eating it is better not to drink hot water.

Drinking hot water acts like garbage disposal

Drinking hot water balances all three doshas. And what I think is really great: Hot water smuggles metabolic residues out of your body! It mightn’t be easier to avoid illness. Because Ayurveda says over and over once more: Avoid metabolic residues and you stay healthy! Hot water penetrates all the fine channels of the body, especially in the digestive tract.

Hot water releases Ama from the cells

The hot water washes everything away where Ama, that is, the metabolic residues, are deposited. Important! Ama is the basis of very many diseases. This is why drinking hot water is so important to staying healthy. Because the undigested that remains in your body and causes discomfort, niggles or even serious illnesses is simply removed with hot water like with the garbage disposal.
But not only Ama is flushed out, the water-soluble toxins that you absorb through food and the environment are also flushed out with Ayurvedic boiled hot water.

I never leave the house without my hot water bottle

My friends always make fun of me when I turn up with my bottle of hot water. Wherever I go and stand, my hot water is always with me! I’ve tried many bottles. I think it’s important that it’s made of double-walled steel and has a drinking cup that’s big enough to stand up well, for example in the car. The water in the cup usually has to cool down to a drinkable temperature first. By the way, only the products of the company Thermos are called thermos flasks. It’s like the speed handkerchief, everyone says. What is meant is the paper handkerchief from the Tempo company. But no matter, the main thing is that the hot water bottle keeps you warm. The sticking point is at the top, the transition from thick to thin. This is where heat escapes most easily. However, if the construction is clever enough, the cup that is turned over will keep the weak spot nice and warm.

Unsolicited : I have had good experiences with this warming jug. You can order them in several colors and choose between 0.5 liters and 1 liter.

Water is also digested

Did you know that water also needs to be digested? It doesn’t just flow through you, no, it really gets digested. Incidentally, cold water takes regarding 6 hours to digest. Hot water only 1.5 hours.
Since water also puts a strain on the digestive system, you shouldn’t drink as much in the evening. But it also often happens to me that I forget to drink because of all the Hullabulla during the day and then in the evening the great thirst bell rings. Then I can easily drink another liter of water. But the result is often a restless night, the kidneys are too busy and bags under the eyes form.

The secret of health and beauty

The secret of health and beauty: Sip a small cup of hot water every half hour during the day. But regarding an hour and a half before going to bed, of course with the angel train, do not drink anything else. But only if you have drunk enough during the day.

effect of hot water

  1. basis for your health
  2. Flushes out toxins
  3. Float Ama out
  4. Strengthens Agni, the digestive fire
  5. Boosts your energy
  6. Cleanses the skin
  7. Dissolves false hunger
  8. Soothes Vata disorders
  9. Sharpens the sense of taste

How much hot water and how hot?

Incidentally, the amount of water depends on the constitution in Ayurveda, which is no surprise. Pitta types, the fiery ones among us, need plenty of water to appease their inner fire. Incidentally, the hot water should be rather lukewarm for Pitta types. Kapha types need much less hot water, since kapha is already half water. And the dry Vata can handle a medium amount of hot water, regarding 1.5 liters. Living Ayurvedic means: listen to your inner intelligence! She will tell you how much water and how hot the water should be.

Im Restaurant

Have you ever ordered hot water in a restaurant? I get funny looks every time, as if I’m out of my mind. Now I discovered a trick. I simply order a tea without a tea bag – that always works without asking too much.

The perfect kettle for Ayurvedic water

You can easily boil the hot water in a pot, nothing easier than that. But a kettle offers great advantages: it uses less electricity and you don’t have to worry regarding anything if it has a simmer function. For a long time I used a plastic kettle because it simmered for so long. But ever since I found out that millions (yes, really millions!) of plastic nanoparticles end up in the water every time a kettle made of plastic ends up in the water, I’ve been looking for a kettle made of stainless steel. Because I read the article regarding plastic and glass kettles at Utopia and was very shocked! You can read the kettle test here.

That’s why I was looking for a stainless steel model. I found it and bought it straight away. He’s worth his money. A glass kettle also has a silicone ring that also releases its nano-sized particles into the water. So now the kettle made of stainless steel.

Also ideal for the lemon honey water

Since it also has a 45°C button, it’s just perfect for that morning lemon honey water. Honey should not be heated above 40 °C. The five degrees cools the water down quickly. Finally, finally, I’ve found the right kettle for Ayurvedic hot water, because it’s made of stainless steel and the water doesn’t come into contact with plastic.

Advertisement: With this kettle you can automatically “boil” the water at 95 degrees. I use it every day. It is made entirely of stainless steel and wood. The very small amount of plastic does not come into contact with the water.

BALTER stainless steel kettle with temperature setting, 45°C-100°C, double wall, BPA free, quiet & wireless, warming function, tea maker with temperature display, 1.5L, 2200W, black

BALTER stainless steel kettle with temperature setting, 45°C-100°C, double wall, BPA free, quiet & wireless, warming function, tea maker with temperature display, 1.5L, 2200W, black

  • ✔ ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????, ???????????? ????????????????????????????, ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? – The current temperature of the water can be read on the handle at any time on the LCD and can be set in seven stages between 45 ° C and 100 ° C. The keep-warm function keeps the different temperatures for over an hour if necessary. With the powerful stainless steel kettle WK-08 you can prepare tea, coffee, soups, baby food and much more.

Stay safe and sound,
Sincerely, Lisa

Eat and work Ayurvedically

I wrote this blog post with a lot of love and attention. If you find this useful, the Ayurveda Treasure Chest would be happy to receive a small donation. Server costs, technical support and image rights are financed from this.



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