Because of the expression “muta marriage”… Hezbollah responds to a former Lebanese minister, and the second clarifies

Dubai, United Arab Emirates (CNN) – An analogy resorted to by the former Lebanese minister and head of the Foreign Relations Department of the “Lebanese Forces”, in which he used the expression “muta marriage” to describe the relations between some parties and political parties in Lebanon, resulted in Hezbollah issuing an angry statement while The former minister made it clear what he meant with his controversial sentence.

The former minister, Richard Kouyoumjian, wrote on his documented page via Twitter on Thursday: “A time of Shiite political drought, no matter how superior it is… the test tube brings a legitimate child from a well-known father and mother, while temporary marriage, even if legalized by jurisprudence, remains a case of adultery that brings a bastard whose mother is ashamed.” His actual father is different from his nominal father.

Hezbollah responded to what Kouyoumjian wrote in a statement issued on Friday, which stated: “The official in the Lebanese Forces, Richard Kouyoumjian, made condemned, denounced and rejected statements, in which he insulted Shiite Muslims in Lebanon and in the world, and their beliefs and sect, in a severe way.”

The party indicated that the former minister “exposed to their dignities in a mean language that reveals the state of intellectual and cultural decline that some political forces in the country, their representatives and spokesmen have reached, and the gross inability to confront the political situation with the same, and the declaration of the statement and the opinion with the argument and the counter-proof and the reckless slip into the deliberate confusion of the political dispute legitimate and insulting religions, sects, groups and honours,” according to the party’s statement, which was reported by the official Lebanese news agency.

And Hezbollah added in its statement: “The exchange of sharp political statements is part of the general condition of the country to which the Lebanese are accustomed, including those that sometimes go beyond the limits of decency, etiquette and logic, with great regret. In any case, it requires the rejection and denunciation of all religious authorities in particular and all political forces in general, and that all procedures and measures be taken once morest the aforementioned person by the concerned and competent authorities,” as he put it.

Kouyoumjian clarified what he meant in the tweet, through statements he made to the Lebanese channel “MTV”, in which he said: “I did not mean at all to offend the Shiite community, and what I meant by temporary marriage is the political marriage between the Shiite duo and the head of the “Marada” movement, Suleiman Franjieh, and the content of my speech was in the framework political only.”

The former minister continued by saying: “Those who know me realize how much I respect all religions, sects and beliefs, and the honorable Shiite sect. The term political temporary marriage has previously been used to describe the relationship of the “party” and “the Free Patriotic Movement”, as well as the relationship between the “party-amal” and “marda” duo. “, As he says.



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