The International Space Station.. specifications of the most expensive building ever built by humans

The International Space Station, known as the ISS, was established in 1998 under international cooperation led by the United States and Russia, and funded by Canada, Japan and a number of European countries.

The station is considered the most expensive building ever built by humans, with an estimated cost of more than one hundred and fifty billion dollars.

The ISS orbits at an altitude of 390 km from the surface of the planet, and it travels through space at a speed of 27 1600 km per hour, relying on complex calculations to exploit gravity.

While its length is 109 meters, and its width reaches regarding 73 meters, which is equivalent to the size of a large football field, so it provides astronauts with many comfortable rooms for periods of eating and sleeping.

The International Space Station began receiving crews of astronauts since the beginning of the current century, specifically since November 2, 2000.

It is considered a laboratory for research and experiments, and works to improve the quality of life on Earth by increasing scientific knowledge through research conducted outside our planet.

It was launched to take the place and tasks of the Russian space station “Mir”, with the aim of preparing people to spend long periods of time in space and conducting experiments outside the Earth’s gravitational zone.



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