Horoscope for March 2023: Jimena La Torre’s predictions for each sign

March starts with a full harvest Moon. According to what you described Jimena La Torre, It is the first lunar cut of this year and the opportunity to focus on all areas where an improvement must be registered.

In her YouTube account, the renowned astrologer took out the lucky card for each sign and gave his predictions for the third month of the year.


“You’re going to have to knock down a wall and move things. Surely they will also recover money that was saved or lost ”, detailed when manifesting the constructions that will be in the homes of the Arians.

  • The lucky card for Aries is the THREE OF GOLD which indicates that “if you thought of doing any remodeling at home, this is a good time”.


Happiness comes to them in March. Popularity increases, personal ties are strengthened and there is much more friction. “You start to feel so much better and it’s a month to go for the only love you really want.” details.

  • The lucky card for Taurus is the TEN OF CUPS which indicates that “working as a team is the key to improving your performance.”
Jimena La Torre is one of the most famous astrologers in the country.


With the entry of the Crescent Moon into Gemini, clarity comes. “You can see what you want to study and what you don’t, to work on these two sides of life; to know that perhaps you have to leave one thing behind and another forward, that there are seasonal changes that are coming and that you have to learn to let the wheel spin ”, dice.

  • The lucky card for Gemini is the WHEEL OF FORTUNE which indicates that “life keeps flowing”.


According to La Torre’s analysis, Cancerians are going to “learn to differentiate what is the profession of the family, to separate the many”.

  • Cancer’s lucky card is the SIX OF SWORDS which indicates that “Increases more money and what you earn.”


The members of this sign will “to sit on the throne of his royalty” this month under the concept that “Your life is a kingdom and you can rule it and accommodate it so that things flow and work in the best way.”

  • Leo’s lucky card is THE EMPEROR which represents “Focus on making societies where you lead.”


Virgo has the Moon’s Wheel of Fortune for this March 2023. So go ahead, Virgo, working as a team and, why not? Taking a trip. The exact time for love will be the month of March, in which you will feel accompanied and happy by the people who love you “. The Tower promises.

  • Virgo’s lucky card is the GOLDEN TWO which represents the idea that “societies at work also accompany you”.


Love will knock on your doors. March arrives with the possibility of materializing the desire of “To achieve that partner or partner who wants to be by your side and follow this path of success, love.”

  • Libra’s lucky card is the ACE OF CUPS which presents “Peace in the workplace and in your family.”


Success comes thanks to the growing Moon in Gemini that empowers each of those who make up this zodiac sign. “Find love in a different place, with a lot of green, like a field, farm or ranch”, predicts.

  • Scorpio’s lucky card is THE CAR because they must “look for a space that is not the residence”.


“The waxing Moon helps them to place themselves in a more managerial place, knowing more regarding what they really want to do in their lives and being able to work as a team with their family, especially if they have sons. Being a confident, passionate, determined and loved person by the people around you at work and with your partner”, Explain.

  • The lucky card of Sagittarius is THE EMPRESS which marks that it is “one of the best months to face any team building”.


“From a lot of standing in the middle of situations that perhaps overwhelm them, calmly and patiently, they will accompany the best moments to empower them and free themselves from situations that make them uncomfortable. It is a month of great activity, especially with people you love. Some higher-ranking people place you in guide positions.” said.

  • Capricorn’s lucky card is TEMPERANCE “You’re not going to feel like getting into conflict.”


“The growing Moon in Gemini gives you a lot of strength to obtain positive results and job growth. There is also a couple trip. In March, work can also take place with partners, brothers and friends who accompany you, because together everything is easier”, analyzed.

  • The lucky card for Aquarius is the TWO OF WANDS which means that “They will give you a second option.”


“It is a number one in this month of March. The letter is highly aligned and all the chakras are aligned. It’s all lined up so that [los piscianos] know where to go and that the Sun shines on them and that they have their magic wand of power and decision. March is going to be a month in which you should dedicate yourself to finding something that makes you happy, because you are going to act more by intuition than by proposals themselves ”, commented.

  • The lucky card is THE MAGICIAN because “You will have the possibility of achieving what you propose.”



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