Live: Aerocivil gives details about the operation of Viva Air in Colombia – Business – Economy

After the declarations of the president of Viva Air, Francisco Lalinde, the Civil Aeronautics pronounces itself once morest the financial crisis of the company.

The General Director of Civil Aeronautics, Sergio París, mentioned that: “All Sic channels are open, both for those who have reservations and those who have ticket holders, go to the Sic to file the corresponding demand.”

“We have a return problem in Riohacha and Santa Marta. In relation to these destinations, the Air Force has provided us with two aircraft to help us resolve the contingency.”

(Keep reading: Government warns that if necessary, the air market might intervene).

Regarding the integration of Avianca and Viva Air, he mentioned in the program Question Yamid that: “This union has to occur with different rules of the game, which are those presented today and that we will study. If they are convenient, it will be decided.”

He emphasized that the current problem occurs at the El Dorado airport and the accesses at premium times “on certain routes where traffic is dominant.”

(Also: The drama of those who traveled by Viva Air; passengers tell their testimonies).

Regarding the union of the airlines, he reported that: “The integration not reported, before, is being investigated by the Sic. The requested integration is being carried out by us (Aerocivil) benefiting the user.”

In the same way, he said that in the event that the airlines are integrated they must respect a series of commitments “or if not, they are subject to sanctions.”

(Keep reading: Humanitarian flight will evacuate 180 of 372 Viva Air travelers from San Andrés).

Regarding the international operation, he said that people have been helped to reach destinations such as Argentina and Peru.

Regarding the cancellation of flights, he mentioned that the process carried out by Viva Air was incorrect because “its fundamental responsibility is with the passenger, because if he is informed, if he is offered alternatives, he understands. The facts would lead to the conclusion that perhaps this stage was skipped” .

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