Launch of the 2023 “Relation to sex” survey (ERAS) aimed at men who have sex with men

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A 4th edition which falls within the specific context of the emergence of monkeypox

Despite many advances in recent years in terms of prevention, the epidemiological situation regarding HIV and STIs remains worrying for men who have sex with men. They represent 41% of HIV findings reported in 2021 and are also particularly infected with other sexually transmitted infections.

Also, last summer, the emergence of monkey pox (monkeypox) affected men who have sex with men and trans people.

Learn more :

It is in this context that Public Health France is renewing the Health-Sexuality-Prevention survey “Relation to sex” from February 23 to April 6, 2023 with the support of the National Agency for Research on AIDS and Viral Hepatitis – Diseases infectious diseases (ANRS – Emerging infectious diseases) and in partnership with Inserm unit 1137 (IAME) and SESTIM.

A 100% digital survey

The ERAS 2023 survey is conducted by web-questionnaire among men over the age of 18 who have sex with men and live in France (mainland and overseas departments), in order to recruit 20,000 respondents.

To participate, simply go to:

Objectives and expected results

The ERAS survey aims to better understand the sexual and preventive behaviors of men who have sex with men (MSM).

The results of this survey are used to adapt prevention discourse aimed at MSM to help them appropriate the various prevention tools and adapt the prevention offer to their needs. The 2023 edition will also help to understand the effects of the monkeypox epidemic on their health and sexuality.

The first results of the ERAS 2023 survey will be available in the 1st quarter of 2024. learn regarding HIV and STI prevention is a site of Public Health France. It is aimed at men, cisgender and transgender, who have or wish to have sex with men.

The site offers quick and easy access to prevention information and tools adapted to everyone’s needs and situations. Everyday topics such as gender identity and sexual orientation, mental health, couples and family, gay, bi and trans communities, violence and discrimination are also covered…

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