Massa said that the fires were on purpose and asked the Justice to investigate – Diario El Ciudadano y la Región

The Minister of Economy, Sergio Massa, filed a complaint before the Court this Wednesday followingnoon “in order to investigate, prosecute and, where appropriate, arrest” those responsible for the fires that affected high-voltage networks in the Buenos Aires district. de Campana, which determined the preventive drop in electricity service in a large part of the country.

The complaint before the Federal Court of First Instance of Campana, in charge of Judge Adrián González Charvay, was presented by Massa, in his capacity as head of the Ministry of Economy that has the Ministry of Energy under its orbit.

The decision to proceed judicially was made in a meeting held with the Legal and Administrative Secretary, Ricardo Casal, and with the Undersecretary of Electric Power, Santiago Yanotti.

A massive power outage occurred at 3:59 p.m. in a large part of the country, following “several failures in the interconnected system” as a result of a field fire “disrupting a 500 kw high voltage line that connects Campana with General Rodríguez,” official sources reported.

“In the event of an imbalance, the system responds immediately, causing generation to be disconnected for its own protection. As a consequence of this interruption, the provinces of Santa Fe, Córdoba, Mendoza, San Juan and the South of the Northwest are affected ”, he indicated.

A few hours following the episode and when the system was already beginning to recover progressive service in different parts of the country, Massa decided to ask federal judge González Charvay “please order the necessary measures in order to investigate, prosecute and, where appropriate, arrest those responsible for the very serious events that occurred on the day of the date.”

According to his presentation, the facts in question might fall within the crime of “fire and havoc” contemplated in article 186 of the Penal Code.

“As is public knowledge, in the last few hours two large fires have been recorded on islands in the Paraná River delta. They take place in the southern area of ​​the delta, more precisely in the town of Campana, Buenos Aires.” expressed the presentation.

In this sense, the minister raised the possibility that it was a question of sabotage: “Given the certainty that invades me regarding the intentionality of the events, I request that the rigorous actions continue.”

In the same sense, Undersecretary Yanotti, stated through his Twitter account that it was requested “before the Federal Court of Campana that all the necessary measures be immediately available to find those responsible for the very serious events that occurred on the day from today”.

“We want the intention of the two large fires that might fall under the crime of “fire and havoc” to be investigated. and that left thousands of Argentines and Argentines without Electric Power service”, he completed.



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