Unprecedented technology in mobility increases safety at Carnival in Salvador

In 2023, Carnival in Salvador had an unprecedented mobility technology developed to increase safety and control vehicle traffic, in the areas where the Barra/Ondina circuits take place and on the stretch of the Atlantic coast between Boca do Rio and Landings.

About 15 smart displays were positioned on the streets leading to the Carnival and generated visual information for each of the drivers who used the street, indicating whether or not they would be allowed to drive, according to the indicator light on the panel. When an accredited vehicle passed through the portico, a green light will be activated next to the word “ok”. If you were not accredited, a red light would turn on with the sign showing “not ok” next to it.

At the same time, the instruments generate information regarding vehicle circulation – and send it in real time – to an intelligent data platform that will assist municipal managers in decision-making.

The system also allows the monitoring of 250 cars per second and the identification of more than 30 different characteristics in each vehicle passage, among them the reading of the license plate of the vehicles, the situation of the driver, the vehicle, the displacement and others that can be consulted in real time.

The CEO of Velsis, the company responsible for manufacturing the technology for Salvador’s Carnival, Guilherme Araújo, explains that the intelligent system aims to generate advanced information on urban vehicular traffic and make it available to different users and managers of urban roads in real time. .

“Systems with a 100% national solution make it possible to deploy a greater number of sensors, which collect data in real time. This results in greater integration of data from roads, drivers and vehicles, with the ability to generate valuable computational data for mobility management and risk prediction in major events”, explains Guilherme Araújo, CEO of Velsis.

In Salvador, the solution uses a previously registered list of license plates of residents and service providers authorized to travel in the region as a reference. The purpose of the technology is to ensure safety, support local residents and provide the best experience for revelers.

Control in Salvador

Around 33,000 cars were accredited for authorized access in the regions of Salvador’s Carnival circuits. Equipment tests – combined with the data center – began on February 7th and will go into operation on the 16th – the start date of the festivities. Five zones were divided into 12 distinct regions.

“This year we brought technology developed for large events, with the aim of ensuring greater control of vehicle access to circuits and the safety of residents and revelers. I know of no other event in the world with this type of technology and in these dimensions.” says Décio Martins, Salvador’s Traffic Superintendent.

In 2020, vehicle access control to circulation restriction zones took place using an electronic tag, a kind of chip. Unauthorized access to the area subjects the offender to the penalties provided for in the Brazilian Penal Code (Stellionate, art. 171; Falsification of Public Document, art. 297; Ideological Falsity, art. 299).

The special operation restricted the circulation and parking of vehicles around the Carnival circuits, expanding the supply of spaces in remote parking lots, aiming to provide significant improvements in mobility, including increasing the average speed of public transport.




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