The absence of Máximo Kirchner and the greetings to the judges of the Court: everything left by the opening of sessions

The Legislative Assembly, which had Alberto Fernández’s speech had the same characteristics as a first day of school: joke to break the ice, greetings and reunions following a few months off. The vice president, Cristina Kirchner, opened the session and automatically highlighted that for the first time all women were in charge. she said it for Cecilia Moreaupresident of the Chamber of Deputiesand the interim president of the Senate, Claudia Abdala Ledesma de Zamora.

But the head of the pro-government interblock in the Senate, Jose Mayans, he might not with his temper and had to make a joke: “Let’s see if we add the male quota.” After several months of rehabilitation for intestinal bleeding, the man from Formosa was seen once more in a good mood, with a beard and 15 kilos less.

The President passed through Congress with a speech that only at the end inflamed the deputies and senators of the ruling party and the opposition. The main target of criticism this time were Supreme Court judges Carlos Rosenkrantz and Horacio Rosatti. Almost at the end, he shot at Juntos por el Cambio.

“Those who Those who violated the Constitution are those who set up judicial tables and persecuted judges, journalists, opposition politicians and even their own colleagues with state resources ”, He pointed out and charged once morest the opposition: “Now do not try to give lessons in institutionalism and democratic fervor. I just want to make it clear who respects the Republic and who doesn’t.”

This generated a wave of shouting from the opposition arch. Mainly they accused him of “liar”. “Insult me, Iglesias, it is an honor,” replied the head of state. During the two hours that the speech lasted, the PRO deputy had his back to the President, with his eyes on his cell phone. When he finished attacking the president, he grabbed his backpack and left.

Like last year, Máximo Kirchner was absent. At no time did he appear on the premises to listen to the Presidentand. This time the vice president’s son was in the City of Buenos Aires, even yesterday he appeared in the session for the social security moratorium but he was not in Congress today. PROFILE He contacted the deputy’s spokespersons but received no response.

Opening of the 141st Period of Ordinary Sessions

There were almost no posters addressed to the president. Only the Left hung in their banks messages linked to the coup in Peru and the agreement with the IMF. “Alberto, between the banks and the retirees, you chose the banks,” said the sign that Nicolás Del Caño hung. Meanwhile, the two legislators of the Combative Class Current (CCC) within the Frente de Todos, Juan Carlos Alderete and Verónica Caliva from Salta put up posters once morest the exploitation of the lithium industry in Argentina.

The first hour of the speech by Alberto Fernández was marked by a review of the three years that he has been in office. In addition, he added case examples of specific people to show the achievements of his Government. But the moment of greatest tension came when he crossed into the City of Buenos Aires for the co-participation.

The definitions once morest the Supreme Court

“While many provinces need to carry out works that ensure services as essential as drinking water for their inhabitants, the Supreme Court of Justice assured the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires of co-participating resources that do not correspond to it”, pointed out under the gaze of the Buenos Aires head of government, Horacio Rodríguez Larreta. Every time the head of state spoke of the highest court, he took particular care to look at the two judges who were sitting to his right. Meanwhile, Rosatti and Rosenkrantz, they didn’t make a face, upright, they just looked ahead.

Fernando Iglesias insulted Alberto Fernández in the middle of the session in Congress: “It is an honor that you insult me, deputy”

The Supreme Court judges arrived once the Legislative Assembly had begun, but before the President began to speak. In that intermission room, only three legislators came up to say hello. The first was the deputy for Buenos Aires Graciela Camano. then followed Pablo Tonelli (PRO) and the head of the PRO block of the Senate Humberto Schiavoni. They were there for a while, they greeted each other kindly and not much else. the entrerriana Carolina Gaillard, who is leading the political trial of those same magistrates, passed in front of them, but chose not to greet them.

The withdrawal of some deputies

This definition of the President on the City of Buenos Aires caused the Buenos Aires legislators of the Radical Evolution bloc to stand up and leave the premises. “It bothers that the President has an obsession, that he attacks all Buenos Aires, as if they were not part of Argentina. The person responsible for the ills of the country is this President, who has governed for three years. He cannot stigmatize a district, ”explained Carla Carrizo (Radical Evolution), in dialogue with PROFILE, in the corridors of the Legislative Palace.

Opening of the 141st Period of Ordinary Sessions

With the departure of these deputies, Javier Milei (La Libertad Avanza) also left, who was the first to enter the premises. Another of those who arrived early was the social leader Luis D’Elia, who shared the box with Daniel “Chucky” Menendez of the Evita Movement, the leader of the UTEP, There were “El Gringo” Castro and the truck driver Hugo Moyano. In another box was also the Secretary of Human Rights, Horacio Pietragalla, with the referent of the Grandmothers of Plaza de Mayo, Estela de Carlotto.

Economy Minister Sergio Massa was not with the rest of the Cabinet. He was in a special box for former presidents of the Chamber of Deputies, with Julián Domínguez and Eduardo Camaño. In another box were the mayors Juan Jose Mussi (Berazategui), Federico Achaval (Pilar) and Fernando Espinoza (La Matanza).

Greetings in advance

In the preview of the debate there was also time for some crosses between deputies and senators. Marcelo Casaretto from Entre Ríos arrived at the venue a little before 10:30 am dressed in black. He went directly to greet the new block that was assembled in the Senate following the breakup of the Frente de Todos. He spoke with his compatriot Edgardo Kueider and with the leader of the new Federal Unity bloc, Guillermo Snopek.

La Rioja Clara Vega, who came to the Senate on the list of Together for Change but in the last year it was an automatic ally of the ruling party, She started the legislative year already seated together with the legislators of the Frente de Todos. and several senators from Kirchnerism they celebrated it. Although it does not formally integrate the interblock, the rapprochement of La Rioja, following the break, brings some relief.


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