two women, one of them pregnant, target elderly people

In the villainous genre, this new kind of theft by trickery committed in Malmedy and Waimes arrives in the top. Two ladies pose as volunteers with good intentions to rob old people more easily. Targets they probably spotted in advance. Two victims paid the price for this Machiavellian duo on Tuesday.

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The first theft was committed in Waimes, at the home of an 85-year-old resident of rue d’Eupen. “Around half past twelve, two young women come to the home. They say they are collecting donations for the victims of the war in Ukraine”, reports the police of the Stavelot-Malmedy area, well informed of the facts. They use the cold weather outside as an excuse to ask the lady if they can go inside. Once in the house, one of the two asks to go to the toilet while the second makes conversation with the lady. Later, the Waimere realizes that she let thieves into her house. “We took her jewelry from her bedroom,” police said.

Shortly following, around 3:15 p.m., it was in Bellevaux, in rue Saint Aubin, that they raged. “The victim is still an elderly lady. “The octogenarian invited them to enter his kitchen while the two thieves served the same pretext as the same morning in Waimes. “There once more one of the ladies asked to go to the toilet. The local resident slipped away for a while to pick up clothes she wanted to get rid of for the benefit of the Ukrainian victims. “When she returns to the kitchen the two women have left the scene and stolen her wallet from her bag. »

Suffice to say that the two victims are shocked, but they were still able to provide an accurate description of the two thieves. “One is quite thin, regarding 1.6m tall, has long blond hair. She wore jeans and a beige coat. She spoke German, French, and another foreign language. The other is much smaller. She has short, black hair. She wore a black anorak with a hood whose fur was light. This one would probably be pregnant, ”says the police who are trying to find the ladies in question. “We would also have noticed a small blue car but it might not have any connection with the facts”, tempers the police who invite possible witnesses to come forward.



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