Are crafts the new meditation? I am a wellness editor and that’s how I found the one that was best for me

For being a way of experience the flow and of connect your body and mindit is said that the crafts are a way of to meditate. His quirk? The movement. The moving meditation It is an alternative as valid as the one that is done sitting down and paying attention to the breath. perfect for very active people to which it costs be stillI personally discovered it in moments of great anxiety and stress. When you feel like this find calm or peace of mind is especially difficult, but not impossible. There are many ways to practice it: walking, knitting, cooking… Or simply any kind of craft. The fact of incorporating your hands into the meditative process is the key. but it has its technique.

What is moving meditation

Smell, touch, look, create. Feeling is actually as simple as it is primary. Let yourself go among flowers. You can let yourself be carried away by these sensations in the Alblanc Atelier flower workshops in Barcelona.Alblanc

In the movement meditation You are not still but in motion. And it is in that movement where the key is. The full attention it is the most important part of movement meditation. As he explains American Institute of Health Care Prossionals“Movement meditation focuses on the movements of the body rather than the goal of the movement. crafts and crafts share the territory of the creativity and they focus on the development of work carried out with the most primitive tool of all: our hands. There is a dialogue between matter and our hands and also between our hands and our brain. The neuroscience has spent years studying the hand-brain connection as a way to increase the brain plasticity from childhood, for example. Paint, weavekneading, modeling… Any activity that involves using our hands is also valid for practicing meditation in movement and reaching the flow state.

How to flow while working with your hands

In psychologythe flow is a immersive momentwhere our mind achieves concentrate one hundred percent on the activity which is running. It is a concept coined by the psychologist Mihály Csíkszentmihályi in 1975. Since then attention has been paid to activities where flow experiences are presented and their benefits have been studied in depth. According to Asana“in addition to simply feel goodgoing into a flow state has a number of benefits, including: feeling in in tune with your emotionsmayor satisfaction because what you produce during the flow state tends to be your own reward and greater commitment to your work“. Reaching this level of relaxation during meditation practices is the flow mental. Naps creating artthe flow state is reached when you are so involved in the creation process which is the only thing you are focused on. These experiences make up the creative flow.

Tips for beginners or how to find the perfect craft for you

Illustrated Ink organizes workshops to learn how to paint with watercolors while you learn to enjoy the process of doing it.Illustrated ink

yes it exists manual activities that suit you better than others. The way to discover yours is experience them. There are people who choose letteringthe pottery, the sewingcook, the origamipainting… According to Cris, from Illustrated ink“I often see it at the end of my watercolor workshops. The students refer to how quickly the hours have passed without them being aware, and they tell me regarding the feeling of well-being and calm, beyond what they have painted. Most define the emotion that these watercolor courses exude with words like relax, inspiration, connection with oneself, pause… Create when we stop trying to achieve a specific thing and enjoy the process doing it, just for the sake of it, is very therapeutic. It’s what I call the mindfulness creativoWhatever it is, keep in mind that the key is in your attitude. If you want learn to meditate on the move and work the state of creative flow, keep these tips in mind:

  • Choose an activity in which you are comfortable. It is essential to find the balance “challenge-skill”. If the craft you develop is fatal to you, the process will not bring you much well-being.
  • Reduce distractions while working with your hands. If your goal is to focus on the process, everything that separates you from him harms you. Don’t multitask either. It’s regarding focusing on just one.
  • Don’t look for perfection. It is not the goal of moving meditation. Just pay full attention to the process and feel it. Let your mind connect one hundred percent with your hands. If you don’t get it, do not force it.
  • If you don’t know where to start, sign up for one of the workshops that we recommend



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