Eating insects and drinking urine, the odyssey of the man who survived a month in the Amazon

He went hunting with four friends, but got separated from the group and got lost. Jhonatan Acosta survived by feeding on insects, drinking rainwater and even consuming their urine for a month in the Amazon.

The adventure occurred in the mountains of the area called Montaña, which is located 80 kilometers from the municipality of Baures, in the department of Beni. “It helped me a lot to know regarding survival: I had to consume insects, drink my urine, I have eaten worms, I was attacked by beasts“, said Jhonatan Acosta during an interview on Unitel.

“Knowing regarding survival helped me a lot: I had to consume insects, drink my urine, I have eaten worms, I was attacked by beasts,” said Jhonatan Acosta

Acosta was found thanks to the firing of his shotgun and his screams, which alerted those who were looking for him. The search team found it practically dehydrated. “We always had faith. Unfortunately, she was not with a machete or knife, but somehow she was feeding. Thank you all so much,” the family explained in statements to the Bolivian media.

Since his loss on January 25, his relatives have gone to the media almost daily to ask that the search by local firefighters and rescuers not stop, who finally found him.

“If it hadn’t rained, I wouldn’t have survived,” Acosta said.

The man reported that while he was lost it rained almost half the time and he was able to use his rubber boots to store the liquid, but that when it cleared up he had to resort to drinking his urine. “I asked God for rain. From all this stay in the jungle it will have rained in regarding 15 days, if it had not rained I would not have survived, because water is essential,” he said.

In addition, Acosta explained that he was disoriented and that he walked regarding 40 kilometers hoping to contact civilization once more, but that he was passing through the same places where he had been before.

The threat of the Amazon night

If during the day it was difficult for him to survive, at night it was worse. The man mentioned that was bitten by various types of animals and now your concern is check your health and “go through a detox phase”, because he is unaware of the severity of the bites he has on his body.

Horacio Acosta, younger brother and first family member to see him, recounted the moment of the rescue. “We were with the Ayoreos and with people who came to help us. We were something of 17 people. We went into the lake, by land… There were four people from a town who found it, at first they were afraid to approach it, but they found it… I have been to those places, there is no explanation. I was on the other side of the mountain, and we had to meet for lunch, but we were at the ranch, and we saw a person come running and they told us that they had found my brother.”

“The truth is that I felt happy, relieved, very blessed. It is a miracle. We have to take advantage of this life opportunity that has been given to the whole family. We have to be united. be more together Everything we have been through is not nice at all”, concluded Horacio.


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