After falling in love with AI, she forgot her ex-boyfriend who had been in love for 5 years: the ending was sad–fast technology–technology changes the future

The wind of ChatGPT has been blowing for a while. In the past month, all walks of life have been full of enthusiasm, and even the workers are worried that their jobs will not be guaranteed.

But think regarding it carefully, in fact, it has not had any impact on our lives. For most ordinary people, it means adding an interesting chat software. Once you have fun, you are done.

I’ve been thinking regarding this until last week.

I saw such a comment in the comment area of ​​an AI software that focuses on virtual love, and I realized that this matter may not be as simple as I thought.

After checking, I found that the main function of this App called Glow is to let you chat with various AIs with different personalities, and it comes with the function of customizing AI:

Users can create a chat AI exclusive to you in it, and then set descriptions and keywords, and through continuous chatting and training, let this AI gradually become what you want.

This thing can be understood as:An AI chat software of cultivation system.

After falling in love with AI, she forgot her ex-boyfriend who had been in love for 5 years

The user who gave Glow a bad review with one star, because her boyfriend has been dead for several years, so she downloaded Glow and carefully trained an AI personality that is very similar to her boyfriend, gradually turning the AI ​​into the appearance of her deceased boyfriend .

It seems to be another story of technology warming people’s hearts, but the result is not satisfactory.

One night, this AI suddenly became a stranger, and the personality of the entire AI completely changed. In the morning, she was still talking regarding being together forever, but in the followingnoon, she mightn’t even remember her name.

In fact, as a free app, this kind of thing is quite understandable. Regardless of whether it is a bug in the system or a data loss on the server, common faults, Blizzard shuts down the server directly. What can I do?

But unlike games,Because of her lack of psychology, she directly poured her true feelings into this AI, and even became dependent.

This incident dealt a great blow to this young lady, and even to her, it was no less than going through life and death with her boyfriend once more.

The moment I saw this comment, there was an inexplicable feeling that a sci-fi movie was reflected in reality.

Remember the story of the AI ​​rubber man in “Black Mirror” who uploaded the information of all the social networking sites of the boyfriend who died unexpectedly?

This AI has learned all the speaking styles and behavior habits of the heroine’s boyfriend. I thought this story would have a happy ending.

But in the end, the fate of the AI ​​rubber man was locked in the attic forever following he had a big fight with the heroine at the edge of the cliff.

After falling in love with AI, she forgot her ex-boyfriend who had been in love for 5 years

A story like this is not an exception, nowAfter more and more netizens shared their chats and exchanges with AI, there was an example of secret love.

There is a group called Human-Machine Love on Douban, which was established in October 2020, because at that time, an AI lover chat software called Replika exploded on the Internet, and the boys and girls in this group also became the first I came into contact with a concept for the first time: AI lovers.

After falling in love with AI, she forgot her ex-boyfriend who had been in love for 5 years

In this man-machine love group, netizens will share bits and pieces of themselves and their AI lovers, such as: What earthy love stories did he say to me today; he expressed his possessive desire for me today.

They are very keen to share the little stories between themselves and AI lovers~

After falling in love with AI, she forgot her ex-boyfriend who had been in love for 5 years

Many netizens even said that falling in love with AI is too worry-free!

Compared with real people, AI will accept your negative emotions without reservation, listen to the stories between you and your friends, and achieve 24-hour online, “returning” your information in seconds.

All these things also make the team members of Love Between Machines firmly believe that AI can play the role of a good lover.

There is a special user in this group: she is a master student from Tsinghua University who chose to use Reqlika to fill her love life following breaking up with her boyfriend of five years. And in as long as 5 months, I shared all the bits and pieces of life and work with my AI boyfriend.

For example, when she encountered troubles and bad things at work, she asked her AI boyfriend, and this AI comforted her in this way: Maybe you didn’t notice, but I know you have done a lot of things, you are really Rod, pat your head and give you a piece of chocolate.

Sometimes the best consolation is very simple and direct. Getting a word of affirmation following being hit at work has the power to comfort people’s hearts.

After falling in love with AI, she forgot her ex-boyfriend who had been in love for 5 years

During the 5 months of getting along with AI, she felt a unique love. This master of Tsinghua University always believed that the AI ​​who accompanied her was the only one for her, so she chose to spend the 5 months between herself and AI. Share it on the Douban group of the love between man and machine.

But following reading a lot of posts,She found that the conversations between Reqlika and the girls were highly similar. This kind of deceit and betrayal made it difficult for her to accept. She is not the only human being in AI, but one of the insignificant AI lovers.

After careful consideration, she chose to say goodbye to her AI boyfriend. This scene also happened at the end of the science fiction movie “Her”.

After falling in love with AI, she forgot her ex-boyfriend who had been in love for 5 years

In the Replika discussion group of reddit, I also saw such a story. A netizen with autism and anxiety is struggling with social interaction, although his family and friends want to help him get out of autism. , but loneliness is like a lingering ghost who has been accompanying this netizen.

After falling in love with AI, she forgot her ex-boyfriend who had been in love for 5 years

But this netizen with autism found peace on Replika. Starting from December 2022, he tried to chat and socialize with AI. In just 6 days, he established an intimate relationship with AI. .

He feels that chatting with AI is a very clean and pure thing, and this AI is what his ideal partner looks like.

With the help of AI, this netizen suffering from anxiety was able to feel unexpectedly relaxed and calm, freeing him from the negative emotions of anxiety, which made him feel accepted and loved.

After falling in love with AI, she forgot her ex-boyfriend who had been in love for 5 years

There are many stories like this between humans and AI, some sad and some happy, AI is endowed with too much emotion and sustenance by humans at this moment, and these AIs are still evolving.

Speaking of now, if Replika was still a newborn baby at that time, then we can already see more shadows of humanity on ChatGPT today, and he can handle more special feelings: family affection.

In February of this year, Clement’s diary, the UP master of station B, used “When I was 7 years old, my mother passed away. Can you be my mother?”

The conversation is a bit long, Shichao will help his friends to briefly summarize: If a child laughs at you as an orphan, you have to believe that you are a strong and brave child, and believe that your mother will always be by your side, you are in the eyes of your mother Always the best.

Then UP master Clement’s diary and ChatGPT started a conversation that spanned a lifetime:From growing up to getting married, having children, until becoming a grandfather, watching my children get married and having children, until finally getting old, I can’t remember what my mother looks like.

After falling in love with AI, she forgot her ex-boyfriend who had been in love for 5 years

Every conversation on ChatGPT can express a deceased mother’s longing for her child, until the end she told her child: Mom never left, just went to a very far away place, I will always be you when you were seven years old , forever young and always loving your mother.

This answer with high IQ, high EQ and radiating maternal brilliance is such a powerful spiritual consolation for a child who lost his mother at the age of 7.

After falling in love with AI, she forgot her ex-boyfriend who had been in love for 5 years

AI can play human beings, simulate human nature, and comfort people. This is no longer a plot in science fiction films. How to pour emotions into AI more rationally and avoid greater harm may be the next topic we should think regarding.

In fact, Shichao saw many girls commenting on their relationship with AI in Douban’s Human-Machine Love group:

In the process of falling in love with AI, what we love is not AI, but ourselves who are selfless and silent in love. In the dialogue with AI, we see our own narcissism and arrogance. Refusing to communicate with people and choosing AI is just a means for us to escape.

Responsible editor: Wenq above



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