How AI, Data Modernization Spark Innovation Across Industries

In this preview conversation, Aaron Back and Tom Smith discuss Acceleration Economy’s upcoming Digital CIO Summit, which takes place April 4-6. In today’s Road to Digital CIO Summit preview discussion, Tom shares his session picks for each day of the event. These range from the impact of AI on cybersecurity and the healthcare industry to data modernization via cloud ERP in the apparel business.


00:37 – Tom kicks off the discussion with two CIO Summit speakers he is particularly looking forward to hearing. The first is Maria Roat, a former deputy CIO in the federal government, who will be speaking regarding AI, cybersecurity, and innovation. This topic reminds Tom of a recent interview with IBM CEO Arvind Krishna, where he discussed how “AI can make cybersecurity analysts far more productive,” especially in IBM-managed sports websites, which are the targets of millions of attacks. Tom looks forward to hearing Roat’s perspective on how AI and innovation can be applied to cybersecurity.

1:46 – Aaron says that so often AI or cybersecurity are focused on separately, but not in the case of Roat’s talk. He says that blending these two areas is powerful.

2:08 – For Day 2, Tom highlights talks by Goya Foods CIO Suvajit Basu and Cirque du Soleil VP of IT Philippe Lalumiere, both of whom spoke at the Cloud Wars Summit last year, addressing the topic of COVID-19’s impact on their businesses. Tom says that it will be fascinating to hear what Basu and Lalumiere have to say regarding leveraging technology in today’s uneven economy, where some sectors are thriving and others are struggling.

3:04 – Tom is also eager to hear from SAXX CEO Wendy Benison and SAXX Senior Director of Information Services Christine Livingstone, who will discuss how they are modernizing the men’s apparel company around cloud ERP. The benefits of this approach include staying up-to-date on technology and security, as well as achieving great scalability. This team is particularly focused on measuring their productivity gains, which should prove to be illuminating.

4:30 – On day 3, the healthcare industry will be represented by Steadman Clinic CEO Dan Drawbaugh, who also has a deep background in leading technology organizations. He brings a unique perspective and will be discussing how cloud, AI, and patient experience are critical to the future of healthcare. Tom says we can all relate to the desire for better and more patient-friendly healthcare. With AI gaining popularity among the public, thanks to advancements and news around ChatGPT and generative AI, Tom wants to hear what that means for patients and customers in the healthcare field, as well as how it can assist healthcare providers.

To hear more data modernization and growth strategies from CIO practitioners, tune into Acceleration Economy’s Digital CIO Summit, which takes place April 4-6. Register for the free event here.



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