Watch out for the early return of the tiger mosquito this year

Spring has not yet arrived but the tiger mosquito is already back in France. What are the risks to our health?

Generally, mosquitoes are associated with the summer period. And if their bites are bothersome, they are not dangerous. However, the Regional Health Agency of the Occitanie region is sounding the alarm via an alert bulletin shared on its site. In effect, many tiger mosquitoes have already been observed in the region while February is not yet over.

If the arrival of insects is closely linked to global warming and a mild winter, the species observed seriously worries the health authorities. Indeed, this species can accelerate and promote the proliferation of certain diseases.

In fact, the ARS insisted on reassure the local populations but also to remind them of the good gestures to avoid stings.

Why is the tiger mosquito a real threat?

In the past, the tiger mosquito has already been talked about internationally. Among other things, it is he who is responsible for the transmission to humans you virus you Zika or chikungunya. But in France, he is feared because it can transmit dengue by simple bite.

Dengue fever is a difficult disease to diagnose because its symptoms are very similar to the flu. Infected people can suffer from fever, body aches and headaches. Common symptoms also include vomiting, red rashes, or diarrhea. In addition, the disease may require two weeks of treatment to be completely cured.

However, when a case of dengue fever is reported, health authorities must act quickly. Teams are then mobilized to treat an area of ​​150m around the infected focus. In addition, if the tiger mosquito is mainly present in the South of France, it can spread and invade the whole country.

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Nevertheless, for this it needs specific conditions in order to reproduce but also to survive.

Reflexes to protect themselves and limit the proliferation of the species

The tiger mosquito mainly proliferates outdoors and near stagnant water. To limit the appearance of nests, take care to empty all cups or containers filled with waterespecially after periods of rain.

Also put away all garden tools or children’s toys to limit contact and protect your loved ones. If that is necessary, cover barrels and rainwater tanks with a veil or mosquito net. Finally, watch the temperatures and watch for periods of cold because the tiger mosquito does not support it.

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