the fruit that helps eliminate accumulated feces

modern life

You must learn to manage this discomfort and, in addition, to identify if the body requires a natural remedy to improve its health.


The uncomfortable stomach upsets can be the product of an affectation in the colon. Sometimes it is believed that this organ is only in a bad state if there is constipation, but this is not the case, because also when there is weakness, tiredness or with intestinal and stomach discomfort, this may be due to a lack of cleanliness there.

Along with the fact that it is a part that absorbs nutrients, it also accumulates more toxins, thus creating difficulties for the proper functioning of the whole body.

Although it may be thought that because it is an internal organ it requires special care, with the simple consumption of water there are improvements. However, a varied number of natural treatments that allow the sensation of relief will be disclosed below.

  • 1 large sheet of aloe vera
  • 1 large glass of water

– Preparation: Remove the gel from the aloe vera and blend with water, let the two elements give a homogeneous composition to later consume.

  • 1/2 liter of water
  • juice of 1 lemon

– Preparation: Put the water to boil, once it finds the heat add the liquid of a lemon and drink preferably on an empty stomach.

  • 3 tablespoons of chia seeds
  • 1 liter of water
  • The juice of 1 lemon

– Preparation: Take out a quantity of chia and put it in a cup with water, let it rest for 1 hour so that it can form a gel. Once you have it, add it to the lemon juice and strain. Leave in the fridge for a few minutes to chill.

– Preparation: Boil the amount of water, then let it return to a drinking temperature to add the other two elements. Take on an empty stomach.

Among the signs that may be an indication that people are having problems defecating and eliminating waste found in the intestines, the Mayo Clinic in the United States cites the following:

  • Poop less than three times a week.
  • Having lumpy or hard stools.
  • Straining to defecate.
  • Feeling as if you have a blockage in your rectum that prevents you from having a bowel movement.
  • Feeling as if you cannot completely empty the rectum.
  • Needing help to empty the rectum, such as using your hands to press on your abdomen and using a finger to remove stool from the rectum.

Likewise, they warn that one of the causes of these signs are intestinal obstructions, which in turn can be caused by tears in the anus, colon cancer, intestinal constriction, also known as intestinal narrowing, or a condition called rectocele. , which occurs when there is a weakening in the tissues of the rectum or vagina.

There are, however, some recommendations that patients can follow to have a healthier colon, sAccording to the Santa Sofía de Caldas University Hospital.

Among other things, this source warns that it is essential to have a healthy diet and adequate hydration. For example, they suggest drinking between six and eight glasses of water a day, exercising for at least one hour a week, and eating fruits with a good amount of fiber such as tangerines, papaya, pineapple, mango, soursop, granadilla. , pitaya, melon, watermelon, sapodilla and orange.

Other foods such as spinach, chard, flaxseed, and oats may also help.

“If the colon is healthy, it can absorb nutrients efficiently and eliminate toxins without leaving traces of them anywhere in the intestines,” the hospital ends.

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