Health benefits, but not for everyone – Heilpraxis

Fresh whole and sliced ​​kiwis on a wooden table

With kiwis, the peel can also be eaten. However, this is not recommended for everyone. (Image: nata_vkusidey/

Why you should eat kiwis with their skins on

Many people know that kiwis have health benefits. Finally, the fruits contain important vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and fiber. But what is less well known: Also in the edible shell contain healthy nutrients. However, it should not be eaten by some people.

Kiwis have all sorts of health benefits, and eating the rind magnifies those benefits, Registered Dietitian Gillian Culbertson explains in a recent issue Contribution the renowned Cleveland Clinic (USA).

The green and the golden kiwi are particularly widespread

“There are regarding 60 species of kiwis, and all have edible skins that vary in texture and consistency”explains Culbertson. “The most commonly eaten versions are green and gold.”

  • Green kiwis: The kiwi you are probably used to is Actinidia deliciosa. This is the one with the light green flesh and the hairy skin. The latter is also edible, but consuming it takes some getting used to for many.
  • Golden (or Yellow) Kiwis: The golden kiwi is a tropical-tasting, bronze-colored fruit with a hairless and thinner skin—making it more pleasant to eat with the skin on.

There are many other kiwifruit varieties, each with slightly different flavors and tastes depending on where they are grown nutrient compositions have. Whatever type of kiwi you choose, here are some of the benefits you can expect:

Lots of fiber

Fiber reduces gas and helps with bowel movements. “Kiwis are already a good one Those for fiber, but if you leave the peel on you’ll get even more of it”sagt Culbertson.

Eating a whole kiwi with the skin on increases yours fiber content by a whopping 50 percent. An in-peel green kiwi has 3.5 grams of fiber, while an in-peel golden kiwi has regarding 3 grams of fiber.

Rich in antioxidants

The kiwi peel is packed with antioxidants: it contains three times more antioxidants than the fruit itself! antioxidants help your body fight free radicals, unstable molecules in your body that, if left unchecked, can lead to cell damage and cause disease. Antioxidants in kiwifruit peel include:

  • Vitamin E: Leaving the peel on a golden kiwi increases its vitamin E content by 32 percent. “Vitamin E also boosts your immune system and helps your body fight off infection”explains Culbertson.
  • Vitamin C: This is another immune booster, and the amount you get from your kiwi peel depends on what type of kiwi you eat. One study shows that golden kiwis (161 milligrams) contain more vitamin C than green kiwis, which contain between 85 mg and 150 mg of vitamin C. “In any case, eating the peel of a kiwi increases your vitamin C absorption.”
  • Polyphenols: These powerful antioxidants help fight inflammation in your body. Kiwis are generally a good source of polyphenols, but 30 percent come from the skin.

Good source of folate

The peel of a golden kiwi increases your folate intake by 34 percent. Folatealso known as vitamin B9, helps your body convert carbohydrates into glucose to produce energy.

“It’s crucial for your liver, skin, hair and eyes and helps your nervous system function properly”sagt Culbertson. “It’s especially important for pregnant womensince a folate deficiency can lead to complications such as birth defects and anemia.”

Who shouldn’t eat kiwi peel

If you ever Kidney stones should not eat kiwi peels. “They are high in oxalates, which may increase the likelihood of people with a history of developing kidney stones once more”so Culbertson.

Oxalate are natural substances found in some plant foods, including spinach, nuts and, of course, kiwis. They don’t have a major function in the body and are excreted in the urine – but some people are more sensitive to oxalates.

“They can mix with the calcium in your body, which can prevent it from being properly absorbed and cause oxalate crystals to form in your kidneys and joints.”explains Culbertson. “It can lead to kidney stones or gout to lead.”

Die American Urological Association (DO NOT) recommends people prone to kidney stones to avoid eating foods rich in oxalates.

Tips for eating a kiwi with its skin on

You don’t have to do anything special to eat a whole kiwi. You can just bite into it! Those who find this too uncomfortable may experience the following tips help:

  • Gold instead of green: The hairless skin of golden kiwifruit is arguably easier for most to bear.
  • Scrub the fuzz: When washing your kiwi, use a kitchen towel or nylon-bristled vegetable brush to lightly rub the peel. “This will help remove some fluff and make it tastier”says the nutritionist.
  • Cut or dice the fruit: Cut or dice the kiwi and leave the peel on. Add to a fruit salad for the texture of the peel to be offset by the sweet flavors of the fruit.
  • Put them in a smoothie: Add a whole kiwi to a smoothie and let your blender do the work of breaking the peel into small, barely-there pieces that you can slurp smooth.

Whatever you decide, yours Body will thank you for leaving the peel on. (ad)



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