In Chileas in most countries in the Latin American region, millions of schools, teachers, parents and guardians are preparing for the start of the School Year 2023. In this sense, the same Government has prepared a subsidy called School Supplies Bonus 2023 with which it seeks to support families in vulnerable situations and that in this way education does not cease. That is why in this note we will tell you some details that you should know regarding it.
He School Supplies Bonus 2023 in Chile It consists of the annual delivery of a set of school supplies, differentiated by levels:
- Prebasic education (collective set for 12 students).
- Basic first cycle (individual set for 1st to 5th basic year).
- Basic second cycle (individual set from 6th to 8th basic year).
- High school (individual set from 1st to 4th grade).
- Teaching for youth and adults.
This program is aimed at:
- Schoolchildren from public establishments at the basic, intermediate and adult levels.
- Students from subsidized private schools, according to the targeting criteria.
Regarding when it is paid, the official platforms of Chile indicate that the benefit will be delivered during the month of March directly to subsidized municipal and private establishments.
To find out if your school is one of the beneficiaries of this Chile support program for the most needy and vulnerable children, check if it is incorporated into the SEP, consulting here.
What is known according to the official government platforms, regarding the beginning of the School Year in Chile, is that, in this country, this stage begins at the beginning of March. The first semester lasts 19 to 20 weeks, followed by two weeks of winter holidays. The second semester generally lasts 19 to 20 weeks and ends in December depending on the school and the exams that the student eventually has to take.
higher education in Chile it has almost the same calendar, with specific differences, starting in March and ending in the period between the first of January, usually having Christmas week free before final exams.
Some universities in Chile they also have an intensive summer semester, generally during January. Most universities give their students winter holidays for two weeks in July, and also a week of holidays during Holy Week and another full week during National Holidays (September 18).
Regarding the evaluation scale in Chilethis ranges from 1.0 to 7.0 where 4.0 is the minimum grade necessary to pass.
the students in Chile they go with the respective uniforms that the establishment proposes to them, although these by law can force their student to use said clothing. Allowing a student to enter without her school uniform or for only wearing part of it is sanctioned.
Finally, it is important to take into account these dates related to the School Year in Chile:
- Wednesday March 1: beginning of the school year and admission of teachers.
- Friday March 3: admission to classes for students from the level of Transition 1 to fourth grade.
- Monday March 6: entrance of classes for those who study in the modality of Education for Young People and Adults (EPJA).
- Wednesday June 28: Last day of classes of the first semester.
- Monday 3 to Friday 14 July: recess for winter holidays in schools with a semester regime.
- Monday July 17: start classes second semester.
- Friday November 24: last day of classes for those who study in the modality of Education for Youth and Adults.
- Tuesday December 5: last day of classes establishments with Full School Day (38 weeks).
- Tuesday December 19: last day of classes establishments without Full School Day (40 weeks).