Some business sectors must now convince workers and not the other way around

This is a difficulty with which more and more companies are confronted: finding staff. More than 200,000 job offers are vacant in Belgium and three out of four companies are struggling to recruit… This is what emerges from a new study by KULeuven with Acerta.

In this institution of the hotel industry, there are 12 vacancies out of a hundred positions at the moment. Supervisors, heads of rows, clerks… profiles that are difficult to find. It can even take months to find the rare pearl. Before, it was the employee who had to sell himself to the employer, today it is quite the opposite.

“The candidates are doing their shopping!“, comments Frédérique Desbonnet, director of human resources for the Marriott group. “If today, I make an offer to someone, it is very likely that he will come back tomorrow telling me that for the same job, he received a better offer elsewhere. They actually challenge us!”

And the hotel industry is far from being the only sector concerned. The areas that are struggling the most to recruit are:

  • the non-market,
  • science and services,
  • industry,
  • trade,
  • la construction…

In 10 years, the number of vacancies has more than tripled. Figures that show a profound change in the labor market. A professional world which should not take up all the space in a person’s life and which forces many companies to review their entire recruitment system.



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