the medicinal plant that helps eliminate them

Although it is currently very easy to find a certain medicine to counteract a condition in any certified pharmacy, many families continue to resort to the use of medicinal plants. According to their criteria and experience, they consider that in these herbs they can find various healing properties.

For this reason, it is very common that when a person has some discomfort, the first option is a plant, which they can get quite easily. Their usefulness is enormous and they can combat different conditions, including intestinal parasites.

Parasites are organisms that live in another called host, feeding on it. If they are not treated and removed in time, they can lead to diseases that should be paid attention to.

Some parasites do not cause symptoms and people may not know they have them. In general, when there is the presence of parasites in the body, gastrointestinal problems can occur.

Now, as mentioned above, there are herbs that help eliminate intestinal parasites, but it is advisable to have professional medical guidance before consuming them. With the approval of a doctor, one of the plants that can be used is the ajenjo (Artemisia absinthium).

“This plant reduces the adherence of parasites to the intestinal wall and helps expel them, but it has side effects and should be used with great caution, always with medical advice. It is very bitter and is used as an infusion (very concentrated, 1 gram per cup), especially in roundworm infestations. It should be avoided in children and pregnant women. explains the digital platform body mind.

Parasite infection

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) explains that there are three major types of parasites, all of which can cause disease. These are: protozoa, helminths and ectoparasites.

This organism can also be transmitted to another person through the bite of a mosquito, if the parasite lives in the blood.

They are multicellular organisms that can be seen with the naked eye when they are adults. When they are in this stage they cannot multiply in humans. There are three groups of helminths: flatworms, spiny-headed worms, and roundworms.

These types of parasites adhere to the skin and remain for weeks or months. “Arthropods are important disease-causing agents in their own right, but they are even more important as vectors, or transmitters, of many different pathogens that, in turn, cause enormous morbidity and mortality from the diseases they cause,” the CDC adds.

Some of these organisms are ticks, fleas, lice and mites.

It should be noted that the World Health Organization (WHO) explains that helminthiasis, known as a parasite, are common infections that affect the poorest and most vulnerable populations in the world.

“It is estimated that one in three people is infected by geohelminths and regarding 46 million children between 1 and 14 years of age are at risk of being infected by these parasites, approximately 13 million preschool-age children (1 to 4 years) and 33 .3 million of school age (from 5 to 14 years)”, says the WHO.

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