“We have the lowest crime rate in Latin America” ​​POLITICS El Intransigente

Horacio Rodriguez Larretagovernor of Buenos Aires, stated that the Buenos aires city has the lowest crime rate in Latin America and congratulated Marcelo D’Alessandro, Minister of Justice and Security of the district, for being one of those responsible for the success. On the other hand, Larreta disagreed with Patricia Bullrich and said that the army should only take care of the borders, but should not be in charge of internal security, since that is what other forces such as the Gendarmerie are for.

«I had promised to travel the entire country and above all to listen and study certain topics. We have to end the fight and that of stating that the one who thinks differently is an enemy, because that’s how we are with 100% inflation, 40% poverty…, that is Argentina as a product of the crack, which is a fan of some politicians that deepen it,” Larreta commented on Radio 10 responding to Bullrich and Kirchnerism.

«The firmness that is worth is not shouting from the rostrum, much less questioning another of the same political sign. I give firmness in the street fighting once morest insecurity. We have the lowest crime rate in the history of the City of Buenos Aires and now they question me for starting classes early,” said the former undersecretary of Social Policies of the Government of Carlos Menem.

«You have to have many more eggs to talk with someone who thinks differently and find a common path than to stand on the other side of the stands and throw stones. Marcelo D’Alessandro is one of those responsible for us having the lowest crime rate in all of Latin America. Now, he is on leave and at the disposal of the Justice… his cell phone was tapped and it is an attack on privacy”, affirmed the former president of the Institute of Social Welfare of the province of Buenos Aires.

Larreta spoke regarding D’Alessandro and the legal case

«There is a court ruling that says that the chats are editable, with which, they might perfectly have been edited and technologically it is easy to do so. If Marcelo says that they are editable, I believe him. I have no indication that this complaint was friendly fire,” said the 57-year-old official who has a degree in Economics.

National security policy

“The army that deals with the care of the borders, the armed forces can take the role of covering the borders to free thousands of gendarmes from those areas, who can be in the fight once morest internal crime as in Rosario, San Martín, areas of La Matanza and the west of the Conurbano”, concluded Larreta in an extensive interview.



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