What is the reason for the occurrence of night and day

What is the reason for the occurrence of day and night, and what is the relationship of these two phenomena to the movement of the earth in space, the extent of the influence of the sun on these two phenomena, and many questions that revolve around this astronomical issue and its impact on our planet, and we have dedicated this article to you, dear readers, in which we talk regarding the reason for its occurrence, which are the two phenomena And the length of the night and day with revolutions and revolutions. The situation on Earth, the reason for the difference in this length, and the scientific facts regarding the day and night hunt.

The appearance of day and night

The emergence of night and day occurs in a full day (24 hours), while you do not feel that the earth is rotating and that the atmosphere is moving with it at the same time around its imperfect axis, so when we are on the side of the earth facing the sun we have daylight, while the earth continues its rotation and the morning is on the other side. Facing the sun is the height of the night, and this process is repeated every day, so this phenomenon occurs, so if we look at the earth from the top of the North Pole, we can see the earth rotating counterclockwise, just as we will see daylight and darkness sweeping the globe from east to the West.

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Cause of night and day

The reason for the occurrence of night and day is the result of the earth’s rotation around its axis, so if the earth did not rotate, then the hemisphere facing the sun would remain in this way, while the other half would be at night. And it will remain in this state.. Daylight hours are in line with the earth’s axis and its path towards the sun.

The reason for the difference between the length of day and night

Although the solar day is 24 hours, it does not contain 12 hours of daylight and 12 hours of night every day, and during the summer the sun tends towards the northern half of the earth towards the sun, which makes the day longer than the night, so the night and the day More similar in these times than in general.

The effect of revolutions on the entire night and day

Solstice is the events on Earth that mark the longest and shortest days of the year. The winter solstice in the northern hemisphere is the shortest day, and then the daylight hours are long. The summer solstice occurs in the northern hemisphere when the daylight hours become longer and then the day becomes shorter. The city winter solstice in which, for example, the June solstice occurs is the point in Earth’s orbit where the Sun faces the North Pole. Univ Solar Revolution is the shortest day of the year.

The effect of the site on the ground throughout the day and night

Your location on Earth relative to the equator also affects how many hours of daylight you get in a solar day, for example during the summer season in the northern hemisphere, daylight hours increase the farther north you target; At the same time, the night in the Arctic is shorter, in winter the day is shorter the farther north, and seasonal changes in daylight hours are small near the equator and more towards the poles. .

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Scientific facts regarding the pursuit of night and day

Here are the most important scientific facts regarding chasing day and night due to the movement of the Earth’s axis:

  • Days and nights are caused by the Earth’s rotation on its axis.
  • It takes regarding 23 hours, 56 minutes, and 54 seconds to complete the trip once.
  • During this period, the part of the Earth is facing the sun during the day and the part farther from the sun is at night.
  • At the North and South poles, day and night last for 6 months, and sunrise at the South Pole is around September 21 of each year, and sunset is around March 22 of the following year.
  • On March 21 and September 23, the night is equal all over the world as the sun’s rays are directly on the equator.
  • The regions around the equator always have equal days and equal nights.
  • The length of the day and night varies in each season, for example the daylight is longer in the summer and the night is shorter, and in the winter the nights are longer and the days are shorter.
  • When the daylight is on the half of the earth facing the sun, the night is on the half of the earth facing away from it.
  • When the earth moves towards the east, it means that the sun rises in the east while the special part of the world rotates in front of it.
  • With the Earth’s duration, the stars return to the same place in the night sky every 23 hours, 56 minutes, and 4.09 seconds, and this is called the sidereal day (the day of the stars).
  • It takes the sun 24 hours to return to its position during the day.
  • On other planets, the length of day and night varies depending on the speed of each planet.
  • One day on Mercury lasts 59 Earth days because Mercury accommodates regarding 200,000 citizens each cycle.
  • A day on Jupiter lasts less than 10 hours because Jupiter is moving away at such a high speed.
  • The day in Mars is 24.6 hours, and it is right breath.
  • A day on the moon lasts only on Earth

Thus, we can reach the end of this article, which was titled What is the cause of the occurrence of night and day, in which we attached information regarding the relationship of the length of night and day to revolutions and the situation on the ground, following science. This phenomenon, as well as mentioning the reason for the difference in this length, and at the end of the article we discussed the scientific facts regarding stalking day and night.



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