Classes begin in Río Negro, with a 72-hour strike in Unter

A 72-hour strike at Unter begins tomorrow, at the beginning of the school year in Río Negro. The decision resolved by Congress last Thursday was to reject the offer of the Río Negro government and a strike for 72 hours. UPCN also rejected the government offer and ATE was the only union that accepted.

The measure will be accompanied by a march that the teachers’ union will carry out this Monday in the capital of Río Negrostarting at 10. It will be a regional call and the protest will go to the Government House.

The last government proposal consisted of increases for the next 12 months, starting with 5.6% in salaries in February and a final impact of 87%. The scale of increases foresees 5.7% in March; 5.5% in April; 5.6% in May; 5.6% in June; and 5.6% in July. Since August, the percentage will remain at 5% per month.

ATE accepted the proposal and then UPCN rejected the proposal. But the interest of the Government was placed in the teachers’ union, taking into account the start of school. Again, like last year, Unter rejected the proposal and launched a strike for 72 hours, that is, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.

The idea is to develop regional actions on the first day of the strike and a mobilization has already been called for this Monday that will have its concentration in the Plaza San Martín at 10. The second day of the strike will be for local actions, while on Wednesday a new Congress will be held in Bariloche to define how the protests will continue .

In addition to an improvement in the offer, among other claims ask for the return of 10% corresponding to October, which according to the union was “illegally discounted”. Also the regularization of the IPROSS, the repeal of the moratorium and demand for “buildings in good condition”.

Meanwhile the Province would not hold the school opening ceremony. It was ruled out for tomorrow in anticipation of Unter’s stoppage.

In this sense, Governor Arabela Carreras at a press conference in Bariloche harshly criticized the measures of force and He described them as “unfortunate.” He also considered that three days of unemployment is a “very high, very strong beginning of measure of force”.

Besides, confirmed that the offer is “very good”, with an annual 86.7% and stated that it will continue “working” and will maintain the dialogue with the teachers’ union in search of a way out, not to mention that it will seek to recover the lost school days.

During a statement, the Minister of Education Pablo Nuñez said that “UNTER affected the right to education of 220,000 families.”

The official admitted that “we understand that a salary proposal may be insufficient, we do not get into the assessment made by the union. But, We can never be in favor of a measure that affects the rights of boys and girls.

And he added that starting with a strike plan “is difficult, and makes the discussion very complex. Now the scenario is reconfigured, we cannot sit down to talk with a union that is taking measures of force.

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