Janmaitri police with self-defense training for women: Deepika.com Nattu Visesham

Janmaitri police with self defense training for women

Monday, February 27, 2023 12:44 AM IST

Neeleshwaram: Swayampra for women with the help of various clubs Janmaitri Police to provide preventive investigation. Ambition of Ochinjavalap Nayanar Memorial Library Vanitavedi Neeleshwaram ASI Sarala Udgha, a review event held at Khyit. Done. Police Self Defense Praseetha, Saida and Sajitha R gave leadership to the study. Hozdurg Janmaitri Beat Officer Pramod, Library Secretary Santo Shri, Vanitavedi Secretary Neetu and Vice President Rajila Madhu were the speakers. chu



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