Cardenal Jorge Urosa Savino Medicine Bank

The Archbishop of Caracas, Baltazar Porras, inaugurated the Cardenal Jorge Urosa Savino Medicine Bank in La Candelaria, an initiative supported by Bancamiga. The act was attended by the parish priest and rector of the Nuestra Señora de La Candelaria sanctuary, Gerardino Barracchini; the president of the board of directors of Bancamiga, Carmelo De Grazia; the executive president of that bank, Ariel Martínez; the Bancamiga ambassador, Amanda Dudamel; and the director of Social Responsibility, Milagro González.

Bancamiga conditioned and provided this space with medicines for almost all pathologies. The Medicine Bank has been operating for seven months, benefiting some 767 people and with a radius of action that extends to all of Caracas.

“What at first emerged as a small service, gradually grew. I am pleased that this place bears the name of Cardinal Jorge Urosa Savino, who was always attentive to the sick and the health of Venezuelans,” said Cardinal Baltazar Porras.

Barracchini explained that the medicines are received from the Italian NGO ALI (Latin American Association in Italy) and from the San Felipe Neri Hospital in Rome, through Father Ricardo Pirela, a Venezuelan with 30 years in Rome.

The executive president of Bancamiga, Ariel José Martínez, expressed his pride in being part of an innovative project that benefits Venezuelans and that he promotes hand in hand with the Catholic Church.

During the ceremony, Amanda Dudamel received a button from the cardinal with the monogram of José Gregorio Hernández, the work of the goldsmith Arcángelo Giandoni, as well as a rosary blessed by Pope Francis.

The Medicine Bank is located in the parish house of the Nuestra Señora de La Candelaria Sanctuary, on Av. Urdaneta. Those interested must bring a medical report, receipt and a copy of the identity card. Documents are delivered on Tuesday and medicines are collected on Wednesday, from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm Telephone: 0424-1626856.

In July 2022, Bancamiga supported the Vice Postulation Office for the Cause of Canonization of Blessed José Gregorio Hernández in the New Route of the Blessed.

AManda Dudamel receives the button with the monogram of José Gregorio Hernández from Cardinal Baltazar Porras PHOTOS COURTESY



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