Too high cholesterol? A sign is noticeable on the face

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Von: Kilian Bäuml

High cholesterol levels are considered bad for your health as they promote cardiovascular disease. External features often already point to them.

Frankfurt – It is well known that high cholesterol levels have a negative effect on health. For example, it can promote cardiovascular diseases, which is the most common cause of death in Germany. However, cholesterol levels that are too high are often only detected by the doctor or even noticed when symptoms have already occurred. There are signs and symptoms that you can look out for yourself.

But not all cholesterol is the same – there are differences. “Cholesterol is vital for our body,” said Regine Brinkmann to the Pharmacy Newspaper. She is Senior Physician at the Clinic for General and Interventional Cardiology and Angiology at the Heart and Diabetes Center in North Rhine-Westphalia. Cholesterol helps to stabilize the cell membrane, form hormones and maintain nerve function.

High cholesterol levels: These external signs can be the first signs

A distinction is made between LDL and HDL cholesterol, the first of which is also called the bad cholesterol and the second the good cholesterol. The LDL cholesterol is deposited in the blood vessels and thus increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases. HDL cholesterol, on the other hand, even helps to transport excess LDL cholesterol away Health Knowledge Foundation. Elevated values ​​do not trigger any specific complaints.

Small nodules that look like pimples can indicate high cholesterol levels. (symbol photo) © Imago

An external feature can indicate elevated LDL cholesterol levels – skin changes. These are so-called xanthomas, which are caused by fat deposits. They are usually yellowish and visually resemble pimples. The skin changes occur particularly often Armen, legs, buttocks and the eyelids on. Accordingly, high cholesterol levels can often be seen on the face.

Other physical symptoms usually only arise when cholesterol levels have been elevated over a long period of time. Don’t ignore these physical signs:

Physical signs of high cholesterol

  • shortness of breath
  • disturbances of consciousness
  • tightness in the chest
  • dizziness
  • visual disturbances
  • aching legs

Preventing high cholesterol levels: Help with the first signs of high levels

According to him, there are a number of things you can do yourself to prevent high cholesterol levels in the first place. Above all, a healthy lifestyle prevents elevated levels. The German Heart Foundation recommends drinking little alcohol and avoiding obesity. Smokers are advised to stop smoking. Diet can also help with high cholesterol. Diet plays an important role in cardiovascular health in general.

Exercise also helps to lower cholesterol levels. “We recommend endurance sports such as Nordic walking, cycling, cross-country skiing and swimming, but also dancing, football and tennis. If you haven’t been very active before, start with brisk walks. If the weather is bad or you don’t have the opportunity to do sports, you can also use the home trainer or the treadmill,” explained heart expert Ulrich Laufs to the Heart Foundation.

Endurance sports are particularly healthy and are even said to help prevent cancer through exercise. Studies have even found that exercise can prolong life. (kiba)

Editor’s note

The information given in this article does not replace a visit to a doctor. Only experts can make the right diagnosis and initiate appropriate therapy. The intake of medication or dietary supplements should be discussed with a doctor beforehand.



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