In pictures the transfer of 2,000 gang members to the ‘mega-prison’ built in the government of Nayib Bukele


According to the president, they are the first group of prisoners to arrive at the Terrorism Confinement Center, Cecot.


The government of Nayib Bukele, president of El Salvador, has been characterized by its war once morest crime, to the point of building a 300,000-square-meter mega-prison in six months, which is regarding two hours from the country’s capital, in a rural valley on the outskirts of the city of Tecoluca, more precisely, regarding 74 km southeast of San Salvador. The Terrorism Containment Center, Cecot, stands out for its rigorous entry controls.

It is then that Bukele through his account Twitter on February 24 confirmed that “at dawn, in a single operation, We transferred the first 2,000 gang members to the Center for the Confinement of Terrorism (CECOT). This will be their new house, where they will live for decades, mixed up, unable to do any more harm to the population. We continue… #GuerraContraPandillas”.

The penitentiary center is considered the “largest in America”, which intends to house more than 40,000 criminals, with surveillance supported by state-of-the-art technology.

In the first images of the transfer of the gang members to the ‘mega-prison’, the inmates are seen sitting close to each other with their heads bowed and their hands behind their necks, surrounded by police officers.

In addition, numerous photographs circulate of prisoners with the gang’s insignia tattoos, shaved heads, in underwear -white shorts- and running, handcuffed by the prisons.

At other times, they can be seen squatting, one behind the other, and always with their eyes on the ground; with shackles on both his hands and feet.

His transfer to the mega-prison was under strong security measures that included the overflight of several military helicopters over the Terrorism Confinement Center.

Hundreds of police officers, security agents from the Directorate of Penal Centers and soldiers participated in the transfer operation.

It is worth mentioning that the prisoners are part of the criminal organization Mara Salvatrucha and Barrio 18, two criminal organizations with various illegal activities.

Therefore, the president of El Salvador assured that his country is the safest in America, building this jail, where he affirmed that yes there is room for criminals.

“El Salvador has managed to go from being the most insecure country in the world, to the safest country in the Americas. How did we do it? Putting criminals in jail. There is space? Now yes. Will they be able to give orders from inside? No. Will they be able to escape? No. A play of common sense,” she noted.

The Minister of Justice and Security, Gustavo Villatoro, added: “Cell by cell we are eliminating this cancer from society. Know that you will not walk out of CECOT once more, you will pay for what you are… cowardly terrorists”.

For his part, Bukele wrote the following tweet in the last few minutes:

“We have reached 300 days without homicides! To put it in context, the previous government did not have a single day without homicides, and the one before that, only had 1.1 days without homicides in 10 years. But thank God we live in a different country now,” he tweeted on February 14.

*With information from AFP.

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