Ricardo Arjona in Córdoba: reflections on feminism, the loss of man’s power and a lot of music

“My faith is so great that although I don’t have a garden, I already bought a mower,” Ricardo Arjona wrote this Saturday followingnoon in his Instagram stories, paraphrasing the lyrics of Nocturnal animal and, if one takes into account the meteorological alert that governed the city and the black clouds that darkened the surroundings of Alta Córdoba following 3:00 p.m., the post not only made sense, but many began to repeat these lines like a mantra.

The truth is that finally this February 25, six years following his last show in Córdoba presenting loneliness circusthe singer returned to the city hand in hand with his tour Black and White: Back and the evening might not have been better. The Juan Domingo Perón Stadium, also known as Monumental de Alta Córdoba, was the meeting point between the Guatemalan and more than 15,000 fans who put on their shirts and crowded around the field early on to take possession of their places.

The weather, a useless threat

Those who bought their tickets arrived at the stadium with clear ideas: they were going to enjoy and sing at the top of their lungs the list of songs selected for them, and the weather conditions were not going to appease the emotion in front of this match for which many waited more than a year. lustrum.

“It’s a great one, you have to take advantage of it no matter how hard it rains or shines,” says a young Venezuelan who has lived in Córdoba for five years and did not miss the opportunity to see her idol.

“We made the entire trip in the rain but when we arrived the sun came out, we came ready to enjoy anyway”, point out some women from Monte Maíz who might not hide their joy at what was regarding to happen.

Although “the usual cast” generated some anger among those who were lining up early to enter the stadium, that was not enough to embitter the heterogeneous mass made up of couples of all ages, groups of friends and even families. complete that they were willing to make this night a very special one.

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From Paraguay to Córdoba, to see Ricardo Arjona

With their song, t-shirts and flag, Ricardo Arjona’s fan club (from Paraguay) did not go unnoticed in the preview. The group, led by Elvio Ayala, has been following their idol in the sun and in the shadows for eight years, and this recital was no exception.

“Our bosses are incredible, when I asked them for permission to travel I told them that I was leaving for 10 days, and although they were surprised, I still did not lose my job,” Elvio jokes in dialogue with VOS.

“I left my four-year-old daughter with her father. It’s complicated but she understands it because she knows regarding my passion. It is also something that is passed from generation to generation, she is also ‘Arjoniana’. When she was 8 months pregnant, Ricardo caressed my belly, so the girl is blessed, ”says the fan club secretary.

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Show is done while walking

After the first minutes of 9:00 p.m., the stadium began to get impatient, but even more so was the anxiety of those who began to hear the whistles, applause, and shouts, and still might not enter the venue.

45 minutes following the scheduled time, while the last to enter made a sprint to their towns, the lights went out and Arjona, dressed in black and white sneakers (dress code more than accurate considering the name of his tour), formally began a night that, once morest all odds, might not be better.

Con Nocturnal animal, die to live y Ella the public began to warm up their vocal chords until the first intervention arrived.

Cordoba, good night. We haven’t seen each other in a long time. A lot of things happened, most of them bad, we were locked up for two years, and that’s when things started to go wrong. Strange people began to appear, those who failed in everything they did today are coaches, 32 genres appeared as if the important thing was to keep adding genres and not respecting people for who they are. People appeared trying to change the vowels. Today I would have to say ‘good night everyone’. But from so much that I didn’t understand, I learned something that is summarized in the first two lines of this song”, said Arjona while he was applauded and began to sing: “Who gave the mushrooms to the god who made us? Who gives me answers to this mystery?, Who put elephants in my shed?, What are so many alive doing in the cemetery?”, lines belonging to Fungus.

with the streak Apnea, Cavemen y our love dies the assigned seats became a mere formality. The excitement of the masses led them to search for the closest possible place to their idol, and the ushers lost the battle before trying to start it.

As often happens, the audience went from zero to one hundred with classics like: Love, The problem, tell me no, If the north were the south, When, Was you, Lady of the four decades, taxi history, minutes, I know you, I love you y Women.

A hint? to feminism

After a first intervention in which he questioned the egalitarian language and the “32 genres”, halfway through the end the singer returned to reflect on the role of men, and how they have been losing “power” over the years.

“We are living in difficult times, men in the 90s, let’s be clear, we had tremendous power, we misused this power, we exaggerated, we had been misusing it for a long time, and then we began to lose power until we reached the place where we we are today, basically in one of the last social rungs. Much lower than pets. Any minute now you’re going to start reading signs on buildings that say ‘no men allowed’. That is going to start happening at any moment, ”he said to the laughter of his audience.

“You can send yourself off with the big spoon if you want to talk bad regarding men, you won’t have any problem, anywhere, in fact it’s done all the time, now don’t go talking bad regarding a pet, they can go to jail , or one of the 32 genres that go to prison three times, but say what it is regarding men. What happens is that we earned that a little but today, we are with the full intention of recovering lost ground for the good, not ours, but everyone’s. Because today we are going to approach a lady with much more fear than desire, and it is not right either, ”he pointed out, to later exemplify that for a lady there are two types of men: the one she likes, and the one she does not like. And that if the person she likes approaches her and says a typical, corny and masculine phrase, she will write to her friends and tell them that she has just met “a tender but wild man at the same time.” ”. But if, instead, that same comment is made to her by a boy she doesn’t like, “take her cell phone, call 911, and that poor boy might be accused of harassment at any time.” “There we are living today, and he is of no use to anyone. We are going to give up a little more space so that I can once once more have the fantastic opportunity to say things like … It is not a sexual aberration, but I like to see you walk naked ”, and she began to sing nakedwith the support of his passionate public.

After almost four decades in the industry, to the delight of his fans or the displeasure of his detractors, the singer built and maintains over time a style of composing and making music that defines him, distinguishes him, and works perfectly for him.

After witnessing hours of raw emotion, the kind that makes you scream, dance and cry, what authority does one have to judge another’s happiness? if happiness is the only human feeling that justifies itself.

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