Algae oil and whey protein reduce inflammation in old age – healing practice

Happy elderly couple.

Aging is associated with an increase in chronic inflammation. According to a recent study, algae oil, whey protein and sufficient exercise can counteract this inflammation. (Image: pikselstock/

Fit in old age through active anti-inflammatory

With increasing Alter it is also increasing inflammatory reactions in the body. chronic inflammation stand in turn with numerous Diseases like for example Krebs in connection. A German research team has now shown how inflammation increases with age Whey protein, algae oil and sufficient Movement can be reduced.

A working group of German Institute for Nutrition Research Potsdam-Rehbrücke (DifE) showed that eating a diet rich in Omega-3 fatty acids and proteins is, in combination with sufficient exercise, positive for this inflammatory process at older people affects. The results were recently published in the “International Journal of Molecular Sciences” presented.

What is inflammatory aging?

Many people want to stay fit and healthy into old age. In order to achieve this, however, it must be ensured that inflammatory reactions do not get out of hand. Under the term inflammatory aging (in English “Inflamm-Aging“), medically relevant inflammatory processes are summarized that are associated with the aging keep in touch.

As the DifE researchers report, increased concentrations of certain pro-inflammatory substances are considered cytokines as an indication of inflammatory aging and promote age-related diseases of the metabolism, the cardiovascular system and the musculoskeletal system.

Aging leads to chronic inflammation

In older people, there is an increased release of such cytokines, which leads to a persistent mild inflammatory process. The chronic inflammation associated with aging disrupts normal cell functions and promotes numerous diseases such as Sarcopenia.

One Nourishmentwho are rich in Omega-3 fatty acids and proteins is, can be combined with regular exercise counteract this happening, as the current study shows.

Counteract age-related inflammation

As part of an eight-week pilot study, the DifE working group wanted to find out how a program consisting of sports and dietary supplements with Algal Oil and Whey Protein on the age-related inflammation affects.

course of the study

For this purpose, 61 healthy women and men between the ages of 65 and 85 took part in a training program consisting of a guided Vibrationstraining as well as independent strength exercises.

In addition, the participants were randomly assigned to one of three diet groups. A group received Whey protein drinks (daily 1.2 to 1.5 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight) and Omega-3 rich algae oil (3.5 milliliters per day). Another group received only whey protein and a third group received no supplements.

Blood was taken from the test subjects both at the beginning and at the end of the study, which was then analyzed for various inflammatory markers.

Results of the study

“We were able to show that in the male study participants, an omega-3-rich, protein-rich diet in combination with physical activity leads to a reduction in inflammation.”stressed Professor Kristina Normanthe leader of the study.

“Both the amount of circulating cytokines and their gene expression were significantly reduced”so Norman.

Decreased markers of inflammation were also seen in the high-protein diet group, but not to the same extent as the first group.

In the control group, which had only completed the training, the anti-inflammatory effects were absent. “Perhaps the training was too short or too mild”comments study lead author Ulrike Hass.

Inflammation in old age can be influenced

“The inflammatory process in older people, which is associated with the development of numerous diseases, can be influenced to some extent by diet and exercise”, Professor Norman sums up the key finding of the study. Accordingly, even in old age, it still makes sense to have a active lifestyle with healthy diet to maintain. (vb)



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