Representatives of various countries mourned the victims of Ukraine in the United Nations

When the representatives of various countries observed a moment of silence for the victims of the Russian-Ukrainian war, the Russian representative Nebenzya (left) tried to interrupt by tapping on the microphone with a pen. (Photo/Dazhi/Associated Press)

When Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba attended the UN Security Council on the 24th, all the representatives present at the meeting were asked to observe a minute of silence for the victims in Ukraine. Unexpectedly, this move was interrupted by the Russian representative Vasily Nebenzya with a pen on the microphone. Nebenzya then said “a moment of silence for the victims of the 2014 incident in Ukraine” and strongly demanded that the representatives of various countries stand for it. A moment of silence for the fallen Russian troops.

According to the “Daily Mail” report, at the meeting, Ukrainian Foreign Minister Kuleba first publicly accused Russia of genocide once morest Ukraine, and then asked all the representatives present at the meeting to observe a minute of silence for the victims of Ukraine. . When everyone got up following hearing the news, Nebenzia, the representative of Russia, immediately held up a pen to signal a pause, and then tapped the microphone next to the representative of Mozambique with the pen.

But even so, Nebenzya’s actions might not stop the silent mourning of the representatives of various countries, and finally he stood up and asked the chairman to speak. Unexpectedly, Nebenzya said, “Let us stand up and mourn for all the victims of the Ukrainian incident (Udon Donbas War) since 2014.” Nebenzya emphasized that “all the dead, all life is priceless.”

Nebenzya later asked everyone to observe a moment of silence for the victims of the Donbass War (including the Russian army), but the representatives on the side did not get up immediately. (Photo/Dazhi/Associated Press)

At present, the outside world generally believes that the 2014 Donbas War was first fought by pro-Russian forces controlled by local Russia and the Ukrainian government, and then Russia sent masked troops without badges to intervene. That is to say, Nebenzya asked the representatives of various countries to pay a silent tribute to the Russian army killed at that time and the pro-Russian forces regarded as terrorist organizations by the Ukrainian government.

And when Nebenja finished speaking these words, he got up immediately, and even stretched out his hand to instruct others to get up quickly. The representatives of other countries stood up in twos and threes and delayed in every possible way to mourn in silence.Single fromFilmIt can be seen from the above that the speed of standing up and silently mourning twice can be said to be very different.



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