Envia Cuisines, exclusive partner of the 4L Trophy

The network of kitchen designers Envia Cuisines now becomes the exclusive partner of the 4L Trophy who started on February 20.


The cuisine of your desires at low prices

Envia Cuisines, a network of kitchen designers who support each customer in their kitchen project, from design to installation, respecting their desires and budget.

Among the 1200 crews, the Envia Cuisines brand license will sponsor young people from Lille, Maël Tisserand and François Baranowski, with the aim of helping them make their dream come true. To this end, they started the race last Monday in the Moroccan desert.

An adventure that links Lille to Marrakech

Knowing each other forever, François Baranowski et Mael Tisserandare respectively student in odontology, and designer-salesman at the Envia Cuisines licensed store the Leers.

They gathered that they were driven by the incessant desire to take up challenges; François also won the 4L Trophy, during its 2020 edition. This year, they are venturing together!

The objective of this humanitarian raid of 6000 kilometers in the Moroccan desert is to collect foodstuffs, medical and school equipment and to finance theChildren of the Desert association in Morocco. This Saturday, February 24, the names of the winners of the 4L Trophy in Marrakech will be issued.

What motivated the network to Envia Cuisines brand licenses to become a partner of the two adventurers is to help the young duo to take up this particularly altruistic challenge:

“Throughout the year, we promote the values ​​of solidarity, team spirit and initiative to our employees. This is the commitment put forward in this race with a humanitarian vocation, the circle is complete! »says Jacques Bedun, co-director ofSend Cuisines.

Envia Kitchens in brief

Closely accompanying each of his clients in the creation of his kitchen, the Envia Kitchens network intervenes from the design to the final phase of installation.

It meets their requirements while respecting their budgets, defining with them the configuration, size and bespoke kitchen furniture.

Led by Jacques Bedun and Patrick Grange, Envia Cuisines has been developing under brand licensing since 2010 and currently has 30 points of sale.

To learn more regarding the concept, its particularities and advantages, access the detailed presentation sheet of the Envia Cuisines brand license.

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